Example sentences of "who [vb base] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If there 's a supply side shock , erm , if we take bad weather in say the northern hemisphere , that 's going to affect prices , but because there are some producers who sell on the world market who come from the southern hemisphere , right , perhaps , there 's good weather in the southern hemisphere , and that 's , because there 's a larger geographical area over which erm , production is spread , it 's less likely that we , we 're going to see major fluctuations in supply right , and as a result it 's less likely that we 're going to see major fluctuations in price .
2 Farmer Michael Eaves , on whose land the festival is staged , says that the event " needs calming down " in the light of the large numbers of travellers who converge on the site .
3 In my view , those who concentrate on a search for species-wide universals in behaviour or morphological traits are likely to be disappointed .
4 They fall into two groups ( with some overlap ) : those who concentrate on the decoration of big pots , and those who prefer the kylix ; pot-painters and cup-painters .
5 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
6 This constellation of interests includes entrepreneurial capitalists , internal capitalists who sit on the board , and finance capitalists .
7 Those who sit on the Treasury Bench make claims about average net income increases .
8 But if there is no such ratification , the agent will be liable to those who contract on the faith of the authority which he professes to have .
9 All those who appear on the Register must , by law , notify the Community Charges Registration Officer about any change regarding their entry within 21 days of the change occurring , this includes moving in or out of Birmingham .
10 All the sporting figures who appear on the programme — and they include most major stars — know they can trust Coleman and that he will not embarrass them .
11 He met management and workers at Swan Hunter 's and Vickers , two firms who depend on the defence industry for work .
12 In the first of three reports Gargy Patel looks at those who depend on the service … and asks Who Cares ?
13 Can he give an assurance that if the Magnox reactors are indeed approaching the end of their days and Trawsfynydd has no continuing nuclear future , the Government will accept responsibility for finding jobs for those who depend on the industry ?
14 Even when answers start to emerge , it will be some time before those who depend on the industry for a livelihood — and that includes at least 100,000 Scots — will know whether or not he has sent the right signals in a climate of fierce international competition for scarce oil industry investment funds .
15 Those operating an amplification system need to ensure that there is a proper balance between the sound of the musicians using it and those who speak on the church 's public address system , where there is one .
16 He ended his inscription : " When I had established peace in the lands subject to me , I came to Adulis and sacrificed to Zeus , Ares and Poseidon , on behalf of those who voyage on the sea . "
17 Consequently when the real rush arrives , the bank holidaymakers have a ready-made queue of crawling cars to join a queue parted Moseslike by mothers who stand on the kerb holding their pushchairs at arm 's length ( nappies probably are contagious after three sweaty hours in the park ) so conveniently placing baby midway between front bumper and exhaust pipe .
18 We who stand on the touchline are glad that you are happy .
19 His new book , Vox , is the story of two strangers who meet on a telephone chat line .
20 There is an old Middle Eastern story about a frog ( in some versions it is a fish ) and a scorpion who meet on the bank of a river that both need to cross .
21 It was reported that signs about dog fouling , and notes for motorists who park on the green pointing out that the car park should be used , are now available .
22 Yeah , yeah I hate people who park on the ramp and causes to put yourself to a hill start , they are a
23 A theoretical perspective which is of considerable value is put forward by Gorry and Scott Morton ( 1975 ) , who draw on the work of Anthony ( 1965 ) in the area of managerial activity and Simon 's ( 1966 ) analysis of decisions , to develop a sophisticated framework for management information systems .
24 Party management in the Commons is left to the Whips , who rely on a mixture of patronage , appeals to party loyalty , and back-benchers ' fears of letting the opposition into office to keep the party 's majority intact .
25 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
26 Often the client is seen by the most junior doctors , who rely on the sister 's expertise to dress the wound .
27 That extra sum is very much needed by people who rely on the state pension or on income support and by those who rely on the state pension and a small occupational pension which disqualifies them from receiving income support .
28 That extra sum is very much needed by people who rely on the state pension or on income support and by those who rely on the state pension and a small occupational pension which disqualifies them from receiving income support .
29 However , U2 will have sorely disappointed fans who rely on the music press as their solo source of information .
30 Punters who rely on the tip sheets must get into stocks early , and maybe sell out quickly .
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