Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those who gain from this process — whether in primary or secondary care — are matched by others who lose in the zero sum game that resource allocation in the NHS has become .
2 Mercifully the number of people who suffer to this extent is small and their need for help is usually recognized by those with whom they come into contact .
3 SANELINE is the first helpline for people suffering from mental illness , their families , professional helpers and those generally involved in assisting people who suffer in this way .
4 Women who suffer from this condition notice that after sex , they often get unpleasant symptoms of pain and ‘ burning ’ when urinating ( passing water ) .
5 Some readers of Practical Fishkeeping probably believe that we are tightly in league with the manufacturers and retailers who advertise in this magazine .
6 You were right to point out that from now until polling day , whenever it may be , will be somewhat tortuous not just for the watching public but for Members who sit in this Chamber .
7 While most middle-class women say they dislike housework and most working-class women say they like or do n't mind it , there are some in each class group who deviate from this pattern .
8 Fortunately , most of the figures who appear in this book meet that criterion or , if not , they were certainly notable enough for them to have been remembered .
9 Now , there 's been lots of talk about gay and lesbian people not having no rights , I come from a Jewish society , I 've got people who suffer anti-semitic ri , feelings , there 's lot of erm multi-ra , ethnic majorities who cover on this programme , and I think that issue has to be looked at as well .
10 On the contrary , as we began this book by noticing , most people think that judges who act in this way are usurpers .
11 I am very grateful to all those who act in this capacity .
12 I hope that the remarks of those who speak in this debate — critical or otherwise — will be acted upon , because the environment is crucial to all those whom we seek to represent .
13 We are n't the only men who know of this paper .
14 One consequence of this is that the sharp rise in the proportion of young couples in the owner-occupied sector over the post-war period ( and the even greater number who aspire to this sector ) must have had some effect in reinforcing fertility decline in Britain in recent decades although , of course , many developed countries have also experienced declines over this period , so it would be naive to emphasize this ( or indeed any single cause ) as the sole or primary explanation .
15 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
16 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
17 This level is influenced by two other factors : the number of new heroin users who emerge during this period ( annual incidence ) , and the number of users who cease to take heroin during this period ( annual outcidence ) .
18 ‘ The man who is looking for a breed to put shape into his lambs only has to talk to butchers who deal in this type of Texel-sired carcass and look at the successes achieved in carcass competitions .
19 There are specialist brokers who deal in this type of insurance whose addresses you can normally find through your local shop or in windsurfing magazines .
20 People who respond in this way have often had a difficult early life when they had separation forced upon them , maybe by a parent being hospitalized or going away or dying .
21 This is not always appreciated by those who point to this success compared to the systems in use at the larger institutions .
22 Even those such as David Lodge and Malcolm Bradbury who argue against this blanket judgment do not attempt to depict the decade as one of great creative achievement .
23 Almost without exception , the visitors who turn up this road do so having heard or read of the ‘ parallel roads ’ , a remarkable geological antiquity found in other Scottish glens but nowhere as clearly defined as in Glen Roy .
24 SWEDEN is to prevent entries to its two European Tour events from players who play on this winter 's Sunshine Tour in South Africa .
25 Teachers often have more problems with the concept than children : pre-school children will often play with adults , asking them to assume roles ( the shopkeeper , the bus conductor ) ; children who play in this way are used to moving in and out of role , are quite happy for an adult to be in their play one moment and to be themselves the next .
26 Those who disapprove of this double-counting suggest four ways of ending it :
27 Today it emerged that DOREND ltd is run by Harold and Ruth Gee who live at this house in north London .
28 When , in Frankfurt in October , the talks were foundering , North called it ‘ a great tragedy for those of us who live on this Planet Earth ’ ; nothing less than the misalignment of two spheres that had been about to dance in harmonious orbit .
29 But beauty is n't , the say beauty is only skin deep , but what about the million people who live in this country who are dealing with siriasis , for whom , that they 'll , they 'll live their life with no cure , no prospect of cure and er those are people who we only wish , I 'm one of them , er , I also run a self help group in Ayrshire and there are a great many of us who would like to , I think extend a more , more of an understanding to the general public , because its not how we regard ourselves
30 The National Health Service is there for the benefit of all the people who live in this country .
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