Example sentences of "who [vb base] [noun] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is enthusiastically fuelled by the advertisers and made respectable by successive governments of all countries who make consumerism into a summum bonum .
2 A Mirage security guard uses his walkie-talkie to cal for reinforcements , and directs people who want autographs into a line .
3 Francis Bacon who put money into an unsuccessful company to colonize Newfoundland wrote in his essay On Plantations ( the word used then and for most of the seventeenth century for what would later be called colonies ) ‘ You must make account to lose almost twenty years profit , and expect your recompense in the end . ’
4 It is important for the Government to pursue other involved parties — including the company itself , but also the finan cial advisers who put savers into the Gibraltar fund without inquiring too much about how it was able to offer such high rates of interest , not to mention the auditors who looked at the books .
5 He called for robust measures against the mainly Japanese producers who dump steel into the EEC .
6 It follows that members of the indigenous bourgeoisie who resist incorporation into the transnational capitalist class are , with few exceptions , going to be trapped in a spiral of declining markets , low technology and uncompetitiveness
7 There 's nobody , nobody can tell me that the big national companies who pour money into the Tory fund , that they do n't have a say in their policy .
8 John Eckmire , managing director of Labatt 's , the lager brewers who pump £2million into the team , said : ‘ All the sponsors need to get together to get the two men talking again .
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