Example sentences of "who [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Eileen Laughton , a former Panel member who respected him greatly said he was worried about the pressure that was likely to be put on him if he did n't toe the local authority line .
2 These revelations come from talking to Personnel managers who admitted they often have to force over-stressed employees to have time off .
3 Those who met him never forgot it .
4 Then , said he , ‘ Would the comrade who interrupted me please stand up ! ’
5 who found her sadly confused .
6 Clearly , for those who found they actually did suffer from smelly clothes — evidently a lot of people — the ads struck an immediate and powerful chord .
7 The reason why our homes were so cold was that the people who designed them never took our severe winter climate into consideration .
8 Even if disaster strikes , as it seemed to for one student of mine who dropped her nearly completed head on the concrete floor and an ear snapped off , do n't let it worry you unduly .
9 But he was resented by long memories in those who had fought a war ; by Churchill 's men for weakening the morale of the Air Force through his attacks on area bombing ; by the school of Lord Vansittart which loathed Germans and said that Nazis were typical of that race , and hated a bishop who told them never to identify the true Germany with Hitler .
10 The girl who woke me also made my drink .
11 I hope the stuffy Royals who snubbed her now appreciate her honesty .
12 A patient who claimed he almost died after a doctor failed to diagnose his heart attack , has been speaking about his battle against medical red-tape .
13 A recent survey by Datamation and Cowen & Co showed increases in the percentage of both technical and commercial users who indicated they definitely planned to buy an RS/6000 in the next 18 months .
14 The friend who watched them together recalled : ‘ Camilla was not what one would call a truly beautiful woman .
15 This painful , though , in its context , highly effective course of action was part and parcel of a brutal and unenlightened society and no doubt it left all those who survived it spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred .
16 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
17 Finally she asked to speak to Mr McGay the teacher who sent her home suffering from shock .
18 More interestingly , those who knew him well speak of his outstanding security .
19 Those of us who knew him well see this as the beginning of his caring career which was evident in all that he did .
20 Those who knew him best saw the melancholy that went hand-in-hand with the gaiety he showed the world , and because he lived every emotion intensely , his misery went deep .
21 Accounts of his sexual prowess have been dismissed by sceptics , but those who knew him better maintain that he was able to exercise extraordinary self-control when making love , so that sex several times a day with different women was perfectly feasible .
22 Anyone in the city who knew me also knew that I could be found there , at some time every night , if I was on the planet .
23 Three of the medical staff who attended her independently assured her that had she not been so fit and supple they would have been measuring her for a wheelchair , or worse .
24 ‘ A friend who saw them there said their behaviour was blatant . ’
25 Those who saw him then say he seemed to shrink into himself and lose what ever vestige he had till then retained .
26 To greet us was our ever smiling secretary Hilda Hewitt who saw us safely installed .
27 Now the headmaster who brought them here wants to return to the war zone to bring out more refugees .
28 The nurse who brought him home said the sister baptized him herself the very night he was born .
29 This was a disaster , as by then he could barely play and he was retrieved from Naples by a Russian family , who took him home to die .
30 The taxi driver who took him there said today he was still in a state of shock .
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