Example sentences of "who [vb past] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Scottish rider Niall Mackenzie retired after five laps when his Yamaha developed engine trouble , and mechanical problems also forced out Londoner Peter Graves , who qualified for his first grand prix , and Irishman Eddie Laycock .
2 He phoned his provincial headquarters at Cesena , who called regional headquarters at Bologna , who checked with their opposite numbers in Florence before confirming that no member of the force had been reported missing on either side of the Apennines .
3 Gabriel praised God from top to tail of his eiderdown , and glorified God 's servant Garvey who snored inside his own duck-down quilt , at the other end of the darkness .
4 Why there was even a Felicity at the other end of Chadlington : Felicity Chugg , who lived with her widowed sister , Deborah Hensprawn , and her two cocker spaniels .
5 Mr Bradford , who lived with his four brothers in Western Road , Brentwood , had been to visit a girlfriend the previous evening .
6 John , 13 , who lived with his young mother and maternal grandmother in a small sparsely furnished council flat on a large housing estate , was seen by a student training to be a social worker .
7 And a Kent farm labourer 's daughter recalled with special intimacy her grandmother who lived into her nineties , only moving from her own cottage in her last five years .
8 Be careful not to break up a sentence with a full stop : Although she was a mentally ill person who lived in her own mind and was allocated a limited number of mental processes .
9 His research was an unstoppable quest inspired by a fascination with those who lived by their own rules and nurtured a mistrust of the tactics of indoctrination .
10 The Commons complained that this was an abuse of proclamations , and the King sought the opinion of Chief Justice Coke who consulted with his fellow judges .
11 DUTCH striker Marco van Basten may never play top class soccer again the doctor who operated on his injured right ankle said today .
12 Dear old Martha had much of the milk of human kindness about her ; she had pensioners who shared with her such things as she had : one was a lame robin redbreast , who came and sat on a bush opposite the door till he was fed ; another was a pigeon whose cot was quite a mile away : she too looked for a meal on every visit , and after gathering her crop-full , would wing her flight over the fields and houses home to her cot .
13 It was I who cared for her murdered child through his last days . ’
14 Their only appeal to Clara lay in their austerity , which sometimes reached a point where it bordered on the dangerously extreme ; there was one sad tale , for instance , of a little girl who cared for her cruel stepmother with unfailing devotion , and who died of pneumonia after running out in her nightgown to look for her stepmother 's cat .
15 A DEVOTED son who cared for his paralysed father until he died has received a prestigious European Child of Achievement award at a ceremony in France .
16 He was awakened by Felicity , who whispered into his good ear : ‘ In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was Aardvark . ’
17 After the verdict was given , the newspapers interviewed other women in the dead policeman 's life who reported on his previous sexual conduct .
18 Fred Procter , by then a DUP Belfast city councillor , was shot , apparently by the UVF , who objected to his spirited criticisms of ‘ gangsterism ’ on the Shankill Road .
19 In fact , the first one in America belonged to the famous blind teacher Helen Keller , who referred to her own as ‘ an angel in fur ’ .
20 Azra Duric , 35 , who fled with her two children , was forced to leave her husband behind .
21 Hear My Song ( 15 ) Gloriously funny , uplifting romantic comedy , loosely based on the story of Irish tenor Josef Locke , who fled to his native Ireland in the '50s to escape the taxman .
22 asked that we relay his heartfelt thanks to all Wood Group personnel who contributed to his successful visit .
23 John Shaw , who entered on his new farm on the Oa was given a complimentary day 's ploughing and James Hutson his annual day .
24 Ebullient , sociable , and respected even by those who disagreed with his political views , Hannington 's work in the AEU was rewarded in 1938 with the Tolpuddle award , the top award of Britain 's trade-union movement , and the AEU 's special award of merit in 1962 .
25 Leicester seemed out of it but remarkably seconds before the break Lee Philpott crossed from the left and found stand-in striker Steve Walsh who headed in his 7th goal in as many games since moving up front .
26 SCOTTISH champion Emma Donaldson , who rose to her highest world ranking of 39 last week , has now set her sights on the Far East in a bid to make further progress , writes Elspeth Burnside .
27 Obviously a one-man operation by a disturbed girl who believed in her own propaganda .
28 He was glad he had at last found someone who believed in his natural superiority .
29 It is generally referred to as the House of Canmore , though Canmore was originally only a nickname — Malcolm ‘ the Great Head ’ — not bestowed in any complimentary sense by those who suffered under his notorious rages and lust for war .
30 Manager Bryn Roberts saw his decision to re-sign Gary Shaw pay off when he put the club into double figures , assisted by Peter Founds , who came into his own later in the game .
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