Example sentences of "who [vb past] never [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Crown Prince , who had never favoured Falkenhayn 's plans , was adamant in his belief that the offensive should be called off ; Falkenhayn himself wavered — as well he might , for his reputation and professional future depended on success at Verdun .
2 However , in such studies , pipe and cigar smokers were usually defined as those who had never smoked cigarettes : these primary smokers tend not to inhale and so are exposed to relatively low amounts of tar and other harmful constituents of the tobacco smoke compared with cigarette smokers .
3 Among those who had never smoked cigarettes , there was very little increased risk [ 6 ] .
4 A substitute had been required , therefore , in haste — and Daniel , who had never reached France or Italy after all but had spent the last two years at the London office of the Chartist Northern Star , had seemed as good a choice as any .
5 Mr Cook argued that 10 years of Thatcherism had been forced on most people , who had never voted Conservative , and that many of those who opposed PR in the Labour Party wanted to use the same undemocratic power ‘ to ram socialism down the throats of a majority who did n't vote for it ’ .
6 When the government first began to register the jobless and offer unemployment money , thousands of people , including housewives , who had never held jobs signed up .
7 However , he was partly compensated by being created a Privy Councillor in Disraeli 's resignation honours of 1880 , an unusual distinction for an MP who had never held office .
8 It is not clear whether these were part of the advance column who had been marched back from Bleiburg or some of the vast majority of the Croats who had never entered Austria at all .
9 There were the embusqués , who had somehow dodged the war , and the profiteers who had already amassed sizeable fortunes ( from which they were rapidly enriching the restaurateurs and the jewellers , who had never known business to be better ) .
10 The 1979 NCC survey gave only 15 per cent who had never used credit .
11 Half of those who had never used credit were in this ‘ never good ’ group .
12 Erika , who had never set eyes on Hetta in her life , stoutly agreed , and even Paul , making a dishevelled appearance , said with his new courtliness that he would like to meet her , causing Frau Nordern to raise a sceptical eyebrow and warn him not to be sarcastic at that time of the morning .
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