Example sentences of "who [vb past] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Group 3 comprised biopsies from patients previously diagnosed as having coeliac disease who admitted not adhering to a gluten free diet .
2 A player , who did not want to be identified , said : ‘ The whole place has gone crazy again .
3 One solicitor , who did not want to be named , said the new rules were introduced to ensure public accountability for legal aid fees , to which they did not object .
4 Another neighbour who did not want to be named said : ‘ The fire was really ferocious .
5 One 42-year-old market trader who did not want to be named , said : ‘ It is good to know that there is someone who is doing something about the problem . ’
6 One publisher , who did not want to be named , agreed : ‘ Jackie Collins has got a new book out called American Star but I can not see it doing very well .
7 ‘ Two of the three experts definitely say in the reports that clenbuterol is not a steroid , ’ the source , who did not want to be identified , said .
8 And one who did not want to be punished , either , was their other comment , as witness the way he was prepared to kill Rose Hilaire once he saw that her tie-up with Joe and John Coffin would enable her memories of what she had seen of Ephraim 's body to go straight to dangerous quarters .
9 One member of staff at the Abercrombie Road site , who did not want to be named , said : ‘ Everyone is sick here .
10 Two foreign suspects who did not reply to the judge 's summons will be tried in absentia .
11 Lesbians and gays , it had been implied , were irresponsible predators who did not deserve to be employed ; those who insisted on equality were a threat .
12 She came round the corner , this tiny thing who did not reach to the top of the bed board even with the extension of the umbrella .
13 A family member who did not react to the craziness of Chemical Dependency or other addictive disease would be a very strange , unreactive , person who might well be considered to be at least odd if not ill or crazy himself or herself for not reacting .
14 One , who did not appear to be as badly scorched as the others , stood his ground , and eyed the Robemaker rather challengingly .
15 Woe betide the witness or counsel who did not appear to be fully candid ’ .
16 The testers might have got a clue from this that such a question was entirely artificial , constructed out of test situations and irrelevant to children who did not go to school and so were not used to being exposed to such tests .
17 Both the housing department and housing associations had helped with accommodation , and the social work team had started luncheon clubs and drop in centres for people with learning disabilities who did not go to day centres .
18 Further it suggested that of those people who did not go to a lawyer , a higher proportion had received help from outside the household , and of that group only one-quarter had received advice to go to a lawyer which they had ignored Such contrary evidence does not denigrate the value of pre-legal advice , but suggests that , as would be expected , it is not the only significant factor in determining whether , and if so why and how , people seek legal advice .
19 He then reminisced about a house-party at which someone had suggested that Mr Eliot ( who did not go to many such parties ) should be invited to read some of his poems .
20 And so in memory of all those men who did not return to this base , we dedicate them to the keeping of Almighty God we read these verses together .
21 A newsletter writer of August 1692 complained that it was impossible to distinguish between those who did not come to church because they were attending conventicles and those who did not worship God at all , and he predicted the result would be the downfall of the Church of England followed by the triumph of popery .
22 The second government report on the same issue drew attention to the wastage of very able working-class school-leavers who did not proceed to higher education .
23 Many who did not object to this in principle disliked the high-handed way it was adopted .
24 If Rutland was typical of agrarian society it would have been understood as a matter of course that most men were peasant farmers and smallholders ; indeed , husbandman was the commonest description there , followed by labourers and servants whose status was one of dependence , and landless peasants who did not conform to the stereotype of a society composed of small independent producers .
25 Elizabeth had introduced her system of fines for those who did not conform to the state religion , and the Roscarrocks had been forced to sell off all but this last small bastion of the Old Faith , perched on the edge of Cornwall .
26 The law of the land saw to it that gentry who did not conform to the new religion had to pay for the privilege .
27 Dr Alex Schmid , the founder of P100M , categorised the many academics who did not seem to be interested in human rights .
28 The trustee or personal representative may , inter alia , deal in the securities to which that information relates if his trades are based on the advice of someone who appeared to him to be an appropriate person for whom to seek such advice and who did not seem to him to be prohibited by ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 from dealing .
29 It is certainly easy for those who did not belong to Lewis 's group of friends , and who merely come upon the record of it in after days , to see its faults .
30 The distinctive tone of the old Conservative party was set by the land : even those who did not belong to great landed families still believed in some romantic notion of the spiritual strength of England 's green and pleasant land .
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