Example sentences of "who [vb past] not [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I want to salute Anita Hill , who chose not to remain silent and who , despite ‘ loosing ’ , has confirmed as a fact what many suspected — that Clarence Thomas does not deserve a seat on the US Supreme Court .
2 Wilson 's disinclination to protest against the inquiry probably arose from a reasonable belief that any senior politician who did not want such an inquiry had something discreditable to hide .
3 Leicester , one of the better teams in the division , made only one significant mistake and were mugged of the points by resourceful opponents who did not make any .
4 When the W children were removed amidst allegations of sibling abuse , there were those in the community who did not dispute this .
5 In all the cases the cancer had spread to other organs , giving poor survival chances ; but on average the patients who received pyschological treatment lived for 37 months while those who did not lived 19 months on average .
6 For example , parents who did not show proper ‘ bonding ’ with their children , had trouble accounting for their child 's condition or behaviour , and who appeared ‘ hostile ’ and ‘ uncooperative ’ , increased social work suspicion .
7 John Prescott , who did not stand last year , leaped to third place above both Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner , who used to come first and second .
8 The only person in the house who did not appear excited was Grace Poole , who stayed in her room upstairs , coming down once a day for food and drink .
9 In addition no child would be admitted at 11 unless his parents undertook to keep him at school until 18 ( though presumably the schools would have the right to throw out children who proved unsuitable , or who did not do enough work ) .
10 Respondents who indicated that ‘ all senior staff ’ or all ‘ section heads ’ or all ‘ supervisory staff ’ have training responsibilities , but who did not specify any individuals as having a co-ordinating role , or spending at least one-quarter of their time on training , were also included in the second group .
11 There would not be a man at his table that night who did not eat more and drink deeper than he .
12 Moore , who did not place much value upon a society as a whole , might not have agreed , but his general principles allow it as a possibility .
13 His host of many a good evening , Mr. Harden , at Brathay Hall , was set up as an example of one who did not plant enough trees .
14 Weber , however , placed more emphasis than Marx on divisions within the propertyless class , the class who did not own sufficient property to support themselves without working .
15 I have known one idiot ( nameless ) who did not heed this simple advice and made two visits to a water garden centre in ten minutes , earning the unfair accolade of ‘ groupie ’ .
16 The aim of the ‘ new ’ hospital was in part to lessen overcrowding in the other twenty mental hospitals of the region , from which referrals would be taken , and in part to develop specialist methods of treatment for those who did not get better under ordinary therapeutic regimes .
17 Not surprisingly , it was noticeable that the authorities in the CRUS sample who said that they had a training officer were much more likely to describe a corporate/consultative process , ( see Table 32 ) , than those who did not indicate any designated training officer .
18 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
19 The mean extent of gastric metaplasia in 39 patients who were treated continuously ( >1 year ) with H 2 receptor antagonists was 19% ( range 0–88% ) and 15% ( range 0–88% ) in 53 patients who did not take these drugs .
20 Seb 's father was a large , comfortable-looking man who did not seem disposed to make a fuss .
21 Sun/Star readers ' preference for television as a source of issue-information was just as great as that of people who did not read any paper regularly .
22 At the same time , Labour identifiers who read right-wing papers were 10 per cent less optimistic than Labour identifiers who did not ; while Conservatives who read right-wing papers were similarly less optimistic about Labour 's chances than Conservatives who did not read right-wing papers ( Table 7.13 ) .
23 He valued the individual as a person and was patient with those who did not share this view .
24 Those who did not inhabit this universe of discourse had less difficulty in accepting possible discontinuities between different movements or forms of racism .
25 What Dr Tolley was advocating was withdrawing membership of professional bodies from people who did not keep abreast .
26 well , Clydeside Members , then , against some other hon. Member who did not hear such good news as the hon. Member has had .
27 For those who did not hear this , I quote Father Willie McDade 's words –
28 Then one day we saw some people on the shore — strange , wild people , who did not look friendly .
29 The Lunacy Commissioners wholeheartedly agreed and severely castigated Boards of Guardians who did not provide daily occupation and incentive rewards for the majority of patients .
30 Fred Couples , the Americans ' man of the season so far but who did not play last week , has gone back to the top amid a wholesale reshuffle .
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