Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 One day , to escape heavy rain he wandered into a tavern called the ‘ Spotted Dog ’ which was kept by Joe Parrish , a veteran fighter , who became impressed with the young lad — then aged 16 — and began to teach him the science of the ring .
2 A scientist who tried to cope with the orbit of Uranus by proposing that the force between Uranus and the sun obeyed something other than the inverse square law would be opting out of the Newtonian research programme .
3 The school found some support for their interpretation of Mrs Peel 's behaviour from a community nurse who tried to work with the family : ‘ She thinks there 's evidence of sexual abuse ; soiling , language and sexually overt behaviour . ’
4 The doctor and the Sisters of Charity who came to help with the nursing were amazed at her tenacious hold on life , but Julia had told Mrs Ward that she was determined to live until Anne 's marriage .
5 Profiled recently in this magazine , Madame Yevonde was a highly influential but sadly unsung pioneer of colour photography who began experimenting with the new Vivex colour print process in the early thirties and was soon producing work of startling and refreshing originality .
6 and again rose , the pastor taking the cup and speaking the chosen words , whilst those who served went with the cups among the congregation …
7 He had with him his daughter and her husband , Lord and Lady Brabourne , their fourteen-year-old twin sons , Nicholas and Timothy Knatchbull , Lord Brabourne 's elderly mother , and Paul Maxwell , a local lad who enjoyed helping with the boat .
8 Julie was a rich kid who loved to associate with the tougher , more daring local boys .
9 Although , as an exercise against Republican democracy , the military rising of 18 July 1936 had had the backing of all who had sympathized with the Nationalist cause , there were many who felt that the result of the war — a military dictatorship — was not what they had intended .
10 I Branches without women rivals now sided with Glasgow in demanding a campaign to exclude women for good , while branches such as Edinburgh , who had to contend with the problem , tried to go on arguing for some form of recognition of women workers .
11 Vigno , who had served with the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes , intimated that if we ever got to Corsica we would be expected to do it in under forty minutes .
12 In December 1789 she married Robert Kelly , who had served with the East India Company in Madras since 1760 , the son of Colonel Robert Kelly .
13 Most bears were small and black , sometimes no higher than a man , but this great , shaggy-furred animal reminded him of stories he had heard from knights who had served with the Teutonic Orders in the wild black forests of the north .
14 On DG Janáček 's piano and chamber works were played by Rudolf Firkušný , who had studied with the composer as a boy .
15 All patients aged under 18 , with dementia or severe psychiatric illness , in institutions , or who had registered with the practice within the previous year were excluded from the study .
16 ‘ When I was a kid in California my flying instructor was a guy who had flown with the Lafayette Escadrille in France .
17 They met up with Jordan and his men , plus the three officers who had remained with the radio truck , at Bir Guedaffia , where the final plans were made .
18 At a recent meeting Jim Naden of Scottish Enterprise , who had assisted with the initial Quality Survey , said he was delighted with the progress that had been made and the enthusiasm that was clearly evident .
19 She had danced with a man who had danced with a girl , who had danced with the Prince of Wales .
20 They were anxious that there should be no action taken against those who had co-operated with the Japanese .
21 Gabriel Cleary , James Doherty and James Coll , all from the Republic of Ireland and all IRA members , received five-year sentences , and Henry Cairns , who had co-operated with the French authorities , also received five years but with two years suspended .
22 I said , like the child who had played with the dolls and bears , ‘ Syl would bring me breakfast in bed , only his mother would n't let him . ’
23 About the same time , Brailsford , who had toyed with the idea of working for the NCF , judged it more harshly : ‘ a blind alley which won t bring us even infinitesimally nearer to peace . ’
24 Kenny Milne , who had to deal with the vagaries of a vicious swirl when he threw in at the lineout , thought that the Hastings ' boot was the big difference between the games against France and Wales .
25 And then , anyone who owed less than £200 had to wait for the start of the next law term in another four months if he wished to apply for the discharge which would come upon his delivering his whole property to the single creditor who had stayed with the process as long as that .
26 Fundamental to everything was the bitter experience of Japanese colonialism and the determination to eliminate the legacy of that experience together with those who had collaborated with the Japanese .
27 Nationalisation was not new to France — the railways had been put into State ownership in 1937 — but support for economic planning had grown during the war as a way towards national renewal , greater investment and improved working conditions , and also as a way to punish businessmen who had collaborated with the Nazis .
28 The departure of French and British forces left something of a vacuum , which was swiftly filled by another Circassian alien , Mohamed Ali , a wily ambitious Albanian soldier of fortune who had landed with the Ottoman force .
29 Those who had to live with the legacy of Cold War did not necessarily have a future that was any clearer or simpler than those who inherited the remains of Hitler 's Europe four and a half decades earlier .
30 He stated that the many foreigners who had worked with the impressive radio facilities of ‘ The Voice of China ’ in or near Chungking would shortly be leaving ; Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was in need of an experienced professional broadcasting executive to assist in continuing broadcasts from China on medium-wave internally , and on short-wave to the world .
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