Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Wakil told a news conference that the President was being held in Kabul with ‘ those who tried to help him escape ’ .
2 Felix remembered the gang of them at the beginning of the World War , with Stephen stomping around reviling the call-up , deciding on conscientious objection for himself , shaking off the hand of any acquaintance who tried to help him speed over a dangerous crossing , and talking about the anti-militarist statement he would make to the court .
3 A bitter wind form the Elburz Mountains sweeps around two 707s parked in front of the low , white , thickly carpeted Imperial Pavilion where , in happier days , the Shah of Iran welcomed or bade farewell to the monarchs and statesmen who came to pay him court , nurture his ambitions and ask for alliances , money or other tokens of his kingship .
4 He could have saved John , but because he did n't want to look soft in front of all the important people who 'd heard him promise Herodias ' daughter whatever she wanted , Herod killed John as requested .
5 I remembered the friend of Aisha 's who 'd helped me escape from her house in London , carrying one of Aisha 's children , while I took my suitcase and dragged the other child along with me .
6 Anyway , er , the bloke who managed to get him insurance , this this , the premises are insured with him ,
7 Malcolm , who worked as the ‘ Hyster Driver ’ in the warehouse , is shown shaking hands with Alec Shaw ( right ) , Warehouse Manager , together with many friends who gathered to wish him farewell .
8 The provost had confronted the man and had issued a warning , telling him that ‘ the process before the Judiciary at the Croun 's Instance was still hanging over his head & if he transgressed those who assisted to bring him of[f] may also get the affair moved againe , at least for £30 of expenses ’ .
9 Having said nothing about the er the charity erm erm the meeting on erm the meetings four times a year and we 're quite but there are some available for erm people erm and particularly to erm we agreed a list of people who wished to give them Christmas gifts , cash but I 'm sure they would help and and erm the names of people who who might need help er are always welcome so if I could just erm erm ask people to let me know if they know of anyone financial help .
10 If the crowd became too large or the children too cheeky , the stall owner who had granted me permission would disperse them .
11 He thought of Hugo , who had revolutionised his own thinking , who had made him challenge and question for the first time .
12 We paid a final courtesy call on General Aziz , Werner 's friend who had lent us Abu and his jeep to film the Toraja .
13 And I would have to meet the head of the English Department , Professor Ruiperez , who had sent me kind letters of invitation and welcome , in faultless English .
14 It was the boy they had talked to in the Coptic Place of the Dead , the one who had given them information — and kicked Georgiades on the shin .
15 He was immediately released from his confinement , but he was still liable to the man who had given him credit in the belief he could keep his promise to pay later .
16 And it was the arrival of one of the men who had denied them victory in the past that helped to spark off the renewed challenge in 1993 .
17 Like his father , who had appointed him bishop , Richard could only admire the courage and saintliness of Hugh of Lincoln .
18 By the side of the woman who had read him poetry .
19 She wanted to hurt the man who had told her Rob had n't come back , but he had tried to be kind and anyway she could n't think clearly .
20 The church floor was swept and washed clean , thanks to Cecily the courtesan who had earned her pennies honestly by scrubbing every inch .
21 Richard Chambers , a fine caver who had helped me photograph the Yordas Cave main chamber , Jeff Clegg and Matt Kirby of the Earby Mines Research Group and myself left the road near Gunnerside Lodge and clanked our way up the old miners ' path along the west side of Gunnerside Gill one damp late September evening .
22 I went home to me mam , who had left me dad by then .
23 Known in Bolivia as the ‘ minister of cocaine ’ after he allegedly created a paramilitary squad to confiscate cocaine from drug dealers who refused to pay him bribes , Mr Arce Gomez also has a grisly human rights reputation .
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