Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then she rang Mrs Chalk , who agreed to curtail her afternoon off to dash back to Armscott , ready to pass on the news if Charles called home first .
2 He was one of seven MPs who agreed to lose their moustaches or beards in a ‘ shave-athon ’ to raise funds for research into leukaemia among children .
3 Artists , selected by a team of experts , were guaranteed an income by the Dutch government who agreed to purchase their works for a set amount each year .
4 Artists , selected by a jury , were guaranteed an income by the Dutch government , who agreed to purchase their works for a set amount each year ( see The Art Newspaper No.17 , April 1992 , p.2 ) .
5 But , thanks to the kindness of a lady in the petrol depot who agreed to phone our host when a delivery was about to be made and where , we eventually refuelled at about 9.00 am on Thursday we set out on the last leg of our journey .
6 His successors eventually lost all authority , even in the town , and survived merely as puppets in the hands of ruthless , ambitious nobles who fought to overthrow their rivals and to gain control of the disintegrating kingdom .
7 A creditor who failed to lodge his proof before an interim dividend was declared is not entitled to disturb that interim distribution but is entitled to receive a payment in priority to other creditors from further funds as available ; similarly a creditor whose proof is increased after an interim dividend has been declared .
8 Nor is the provision of chapter 41 far removed in spirit and intention from the statute of Gloucester of 1278 , which went some way towards enlarging the traditional right of a lord to distrain chattels of a tenant who failed to render his dues into a right to recover the property involved .
9 He described how one of the monks , Brother Camille Mabilais , hid retreating British airmen who failed to make their way to the boats at Dunkirk .
10 Under Charles the Bald , the most powerful of his bishops , Hincmar , archbishop of Reims , even used the analogy of bishops to suggest , though in a purely theoretical way , that kings who failed to fulfil their coronation oaths might be deposed .
11 Used to playing second fiddle to its Mitsubishi rival and happily mopping up any disappointed Shogun buyers who failed to get their hands on one of the current quota , the Trooper has still etched itself a firm place in the off-roader scene and remains , as it usually has been , an underestimated vehicle .
12 They could forgive this young man , just as we had to forgive the man who failed to secure his trailer , or they could allow bitterness to completely neutralise everything God was doing in their lives .
13 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
14 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
15 In the 17th century one Nehemiah Cohen made himself particularly famous by opposing ‘ the false prophet of Smyrna , ’ Sabbatai Zevi , who sought to lead his people back into the Holy Land .
16 A king who sought to defy his magnates and preserve his favourites , who was threatened from Scotland and France , who was distrusted and despised by his French wife , would surely need all the support he could get from his clergy and from the pope in order to survive ; and for this , one might expect him to pay dearly by concessions .
17 Anyone who sought to translate their feelings into political activity soon found themselves in jail .
18 Table 6.2 shows the proportion of the sample of men in each social class who reported helping their wives in various tasks once a week .
19 ‘ Yep , but she 's your girl , ’ said Charlie as he continued to stare at the long-haired blonde who pretended to ignore their attentions .
20 Beryl 's ordeal began when she phoned the police , who promised to fax her details to the motoring organisation .
21 ‘ She was led astray by someone who Promised to give her lodgings , then robbed and disposed of her .
22 Somewhat alarmed , he appealed over their heads to J. , who promised to restrain his men if the provocation ceased forthwith .
23 Amelia 's condition makes it painful for her to be touched , but she and the other incurably ill and disabled children had no trouble touching the hearts of the DisneyWorld staff who helped make their visit truly the trip of a lifetime .
24 We are grateful to the adults who were kind enough to participate in the survey and to those working in educational guidance who helped identify our sample .
25 Nevertheless , Leonard was to learn much from the Pennsylvanian , who helped to inspire his interest in Eastern thought , not least through his translations of the Chinese poet Li Po .
26 It seems likely , therefore , that the men of Wight and the Meonware were allies of Wulfhere who helped to make his advance possible .
27 The Department of Transport , not the DTI , will be the sponsoring body for the privatisation of BR , but any hopes that Heseltine may harbour of an industrial troika with new Transport Secretary John MacGregor and Chancellor Norman Lamont , who helped to defeat his leadership bid , may prove overoptimistic .
28 The Liberal Democrats were represented by Dr Margaret Sharp , a candidate and economist from the Science Policy Research Unit , who helped develop their science policies .
29 The guy who helped buy your house .
30 He was fading away ‘ like the old soldier in the ballad , an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty . ’
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