Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb past] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then an attempted entry to a local authority hairdressing course went embarrassingly wrong ; it finished with Mrs Finni having to spell out her daughter 's handicap to students and a flustered teacher who eventually refused to accept responsibility for a girl who could never be left alone in the classroom .
2 Eve knew that through these doors next week would come girls who only intended to use university as part of their social life .
3 This was very self-conscious imitation , as is proved by the peculiarities of some epigrams which celebrate the family 's achievements : a surviving pair commemorates the Persian victories in the strange order Salamis-Marathon ; it was perhaps Kimon himself who thus sought to remain Athenians , in verse , of his father 's great battle , just as painters were to remind them of it by their Marathon in the Painted Stoa built in the middle of the fifth century : Oinoe , a deme close to Marathon , was the title of one of the subsidiary hoplite engagements depicted .
4 Observers in Tokyo commented that Abe 's visit was as much an attempt by Abe , who still hoped to succeed Kaifu as Prime Minister if the LDP was successful in the elections , to upstage Kaifu 's European tour as to improve relations with the Soviet Union .
5 There was another problem with some of the firm political allies such as Lambeth , Brent , Haringey and Hackney , who still tended to leave investment decisions to their advisers : NoS had to teach them what to do .
6 Perhaps it was fortunate that at that time he discovered girls , and a year later met the Dawsons , who always seemed to have time to stop and gossip with him .
7 Tolkien was a Catholic who never entirely ceased to resent Lewis 's preference for Anglicanism ; others were High Church ; and Lewis , who always claimed to see religion as an escape from superstition rather than from atheism , held himself scrupulously above such disputes .
8 I REFER to the comments made by an anonymous smoker who mistakenly tried to justify smokers as paying more tax indirectly due to higher Government levy on cigarettes .
9 Robert Maxwell , the Daily Mirror publisher who once offered to buy Edwards 's shares , was rumoured yesterday to be still interested , but his family 's interest in other football League clubs — Derby and Oxford — would face problems from the Football League 's limitations on club ownership .
10 There is no certainty either as to where he wrote his main English works : the treatise known as Mixed Life , giving advice to the upmarket man of affairs who also wished to create opportunities to cultivate his inner spiritual life ( one manuscript describes it as " a luitel Boc was writen to a worldli lord to teche him hou he schulde haue him in his state in ordeynd loue to god and to his euencristene " ) , and the two books of The Scale of Perfection .
11 Her husband had not realised that she was dying , and the subsequent shock was so great that he became unable to care for his six-year-old daughter who also began to lose weight and perform badly at school .
12 For example , this group included a county authority with an establishment of 187 who specifically allocated £8,100 to training and who also expected to have access to a further estimated £2,000 from a Central Training Fund , for special training projects .
13 Chelsea , who also failed to land Dublin , have stepped up their interest in US international striker Mike Masters .
14 What he said was very significant — that the ANC wanted to encourage any film-maker , black or white , who tried to put on the screen images of black people that were recognisably human , and who also tried to give employment and encouragement to black technicians .
15 The elder composer , finally released from servitude at Esterháza , had been invited to visit London by the impresario J P Salomon , who also intended to entice Mozart to England .
16 His only child was an infant daughter but he also had two adult brothers , William and Ademar , who clearly expected to obtain possession of the county and be the guardians of their niece .
17 Charlie Chaplin was without doubt a major figure during Hollywood 's inception , a star who stoutly refused to play ball with Senator Joe McCarthy 's communist witch-hunt in the dark days of the Fifties .
18 Whatever the volume , Bob 's songs have always had an almost nostalgic , folky edge , a fact not lost on Crosby , Stills & Nash , who unsuccessfully applied to have Bob Mould produce their most recent LP .
19 Yet because a prince could now justify his coercive authority by reference to his peace-keeping function , those who failed to obtain what they saw as justice at his court , and who now stood to suffer punishment if they disturbed the peace to vindicate their rights , grew embittered .
20 George Graham was amazed , too , after seeing another high-octane Arsenal performance lack only the finishing touch against a weakened Coventry side who manfully tried to keep pace with the champions .
21 Being trapped by snow for three days in the hippy village of Woodstock in New York State and being threatened by Rick Danko of The Band for trying to chat up his girlfriend , who then tried to commit suicide .
22 Seles was knifed in the back during a quarter-final match at the Citizen Cup in Hamburg on April 30 by a German who allegedly wanted to help Steffi Graf regain her number one world ranking .
23 And of those who firmly intended to vote Conservative more than half of them said the major reason for giving the Tories support was that ‘ they like the local candidate ’ .
24 Many of the minority who reluctantly chose to borrow money did so as preferable to having to spend forty days in Winson Green Gaol like Tom Broadbent , the Birmingham brass-dresser , who in 1899 was committed in default of a small debt to a coal merchant , and died there .
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