Example sentences of "who [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He raised his hand as if to strike Frankie , who instinctively recoiled into the rough safety of his nanny s overcoat .
2 Many , not all , but many were trade unionists who instinctively sympathized with the plight of the miners .
3 Some of the original brigadistas , the young literacy teachers , who mostly came from the urban areas , also continued to work in adult education , and others became teachers in the formal school system .
4 He selected 47 pilots who mostly came from the ranks of the retired or off-duty military with extensive T–6 and formation experience .
5 The other issue , Chair , that 's on , is the issue of the low paid unit , and the er , the view as to whether we can keep it , about the wish to join the new West Midlands Low Paid Unit , who presumably know about the issue of pay er , of certain people in Shropshire .
6 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
7 The anthropological fieldworker who eventually returns to the social setting of his homeland usually finds that it has become quite a different place .
8 We are quiet in the first rounds cos we are scared of being giant-killed … but this lack of atmosphere gets to the players who rarely perform in the first rounds of the cups ? ?
9 Considerable pressure to conform exists within the lesbian feminist communities , and those of us who conspicuously deviate from the norm either get stared at or are ignored .
10 Then in 1969 the FDP supported the SPD 's Presidential candidate , Gustav Heinemann , who successfully triumphed over the CDU 's Schröder .
11 I do n't know anything about Mr Rochester 's character , but I do know that he offered to marry this young girl , who only discovered during the wedding ceremony that he was in fact already married , to a mad woman .
12 Titmuss , who only returned to the club this season after spending last year with the Telford Tigers , blitzed four goals inside 14 minutes of the opening period .
13 They will go to the concert , Beuno and Elizabeth and Hywel all together , and they will sing ; but not Elizabeth , who only hums in the house and who will be watching all the time to see if he is there .
14 He was one of those people who only care about the present moment . ’
15 Mr and Mrs Maughan — who only moved to the house in King 's Heath , Birmingham , a month ago — were being comforted by relatives .
16 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
17 In Bali , we are also told , life can be spent among people who daily interact with the forces of good and evil in nature .
18 Tennessee Williams has written about several football heroes who suddenly drop through the floor at the height of their prowess .
19 It is certainly easy for those who did not belong to Lewis 's group of friends , and who merely come upon the record of it in after days , to see its faults .
20 In about 1895 the trade began to raise the popular image of the ‘ undertaker ’ from being a person who merely disposed of the dead to a funeral director whose main object is service to the public .
21 The China Inland Mission 's early years inland were hazardous with riots , some internal dissension , and opposition from established missionaries who especially objected to the use of Chinese dress .
22 If anything , its additional colours brought extra glitter to the music , and this quality was certainly seized upon by the London Sinfonietta under Elgar Howarth , who eagerly compensated for the pianist 's lack of a trenchant or subtle delivery .
23 Unlike Onofre Marimon ( ARG ) , Peter Collins ( GB ) , Carel Godin de Beaufort ( HOL ) and John Taylor ( GB ) , who all died at the Nurburgring , Lauda was spared his life , but was badly scared .
24 It is a tremendous achievement for the twenty-nine people of the department who all contributed towards the donation .
25 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
26 The foursome , who all work at the special care baby unit at South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough , will be attending the world 's first conference on neo-natal care , held in Washington DC .
27 Judging by the enthusiasm of the men , women and children who all work on the dam and piped-water project , he has made a start .
28 ROSALIND BRUNT , Tessa Perkins and Karen Jones , who all work in the Centre for Popular Culture at Sheffield City Polytechnic , talk about women both sides of the screen .
29 While there , I photographed the graves of other servicemen who all hailed from the Merseyside area .
30 The Gedge boy , who apparently spied on the entire population of Dynmouth , had no doubt seen him .
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