Example sentences of "who [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 These tasks may be conducted by the originator or one or more of the consultants who may have expressed a willingness to help .
2 Police want to interview anyone who was in the wine bar on Wednesday evening who may have seen a woman drinking with a man .
3 LATE-NIGHT revellers who may have seen a vicious assault have ignored police appeals to come forward .
4 Detectives are trying to find two men who may have witnessed a murder in a quiet country hamlet .
5 You are all familiar with our loyal supporters , but what about those people on the fringes who may have given a donation or done something for Save The Children in the past , but never really followed it up and there are the people who are interested who think , it 's a charity I feel I ought to support .
6 I would appeal to anyone who may have found a Suunto-ML wrist computer on site to contact me or Caernarfon police station .
7 Another complaint was that the trial judge failed to give the jury any warning about the evidence of Zaidie and Matadial as witnesses who may have had a purpose of their own to serve or whose evidence could be tainted by an improper motive .
8 We made sure that er on each occasion er we reached a figure or a set of figures that would be mutually acceptable to ask the colleague or colleagues and , and then it was registered in the minutes as a , so we could refer back to er any cases er that were similar and that then made life easier for the shop stewards er who may have had a recurrence of the same problem .
9 The poet James Fenton , who was stringing for The Washington Post and who must have cut an unlikely figure riding into Saigon on a victorious Viet Cong tank ( described in The Fall of Saigon , first published in Granta 15 and then included in All the Wrong Places ) , wrote a savage review of the book in the New Statesman describing Herr as a ‘ shooter ’ , rather than a reporter for Esquire .
10 And Rona Pondick — who must have had an epiphany upon first seeing a photograph of Kurt Seligmann 's 1937 three-legged Ultra Furniture stool — is showing hanging legs , dismembered breasts and fur balls with teeth in them at Jose Freire all this month ( until 5 June ) .
11 Pathfinders Tours , who should have had a steam run along the North Wales Coast last Sunday behind Princess Margaret Rose , told us that they have agreed a provision new date with British Rail of August 23rd , featuring the same locomotive .
12 ‘ I never saw one thing she wanted that did not sell , ’ but nonetheless insisted that this undisciplined approach was unacceptable for a customer trying to furnish a house , who might have kept a sample for six weeks only to find she could not reorder the same fabric .
13 But Jan Peerce makes a very coarse and unromantic Alfredo , and Licia Albanese , who might have made a good shot at the role of Violetta under more sympathetic direction , sounds particularly nervous and unsettled .
14 But he represents a different style of monarchy , a different style of man from perhaps Prince Andrew , who might have made a much more typical Windsor king .
15 Really to protect members of the management team who might have made a decision .
16 Ministers who might have resented a particular proposal were seen by Mr Major privately before the relevant meeting and ‘ squared ’ .
17 Unfortunately , I think they are few in number ; they are mainly young intellectuals who might have had a career but now can not .
18 He continued to stare at the ground as she added , ‘ I 'm just wondering who might have had a motive for killing him . ’
19 ‘ Is there anybody who might have had a serious grudge against your father ? ’
20 Michael Banks had been a man who inspired love , but even so Charles could produce quite a list of people who might have had a grudge against him .
21 He came out of it as someone who might have committed a slight indiscretion , no more , and a heterosexual one at that .
22 Certain staff who might have shown a real aptitude for broadcasting found themselves discouraged by civil service rules on promotion and pay .
23 Traders who might have started a line in meal for the populace would not even think of it , knowing that the government was always ready to step in and depress the price .
24 The investigators were disturbed by the sheer size of the movie audience , and , thinking of that statistic of 115 million people a week , they asked : ‘ When has the globe ever known the like ? ’ and ‘ Who could have imagined a population more nearly , more inclusively , unified by a single agency ? ’
25 Table 2.2 links the number of students who could have achieved a degree award by the summer of 1987 with the number of awards actually made .
26 If the known mosaics belonged to private rather than official or religious buildings , this might indicate the presence of wealthier individuals who could have formed a town council , as might the marked concentration of late villas in the area , including that at Ilchester Mead , just outside the south-western suburbs .
27 He did n't look the kind of guy who could have taken a long prison sentence .
28 Thus , just at the moment when the Battle of Verdun was about to enter its grimmest phase , the one man on the German side who could have put an end to the butchery was impotent to do so .
29 Most concentrated on the popular view of Best , with Smash Hits one of the few exceptions , as they churlishly explained to their readers : ‘ He was a former footballing hero who used to get raddled a lot . ’
30 ONE by one , the people who would have governed a post-apartheid South Africa have been selected for murder .
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