Example sentences of "who [be] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I suppose that I was influenced by the exploits of the great test pilots of the day , people like Peter Twiss , Neville Duke and John Derry , who were at the time just coming to grips with high-speed flight and what was called the ‘ sound-barrier ’ .
2 The legal charge was executed by the Hammonds , who were at the time transferees under a transfer executed by Mrs. Steed as attorney for the registered proprietor .
3 Most casualties ( 46% ) recorded involved people who were at the time of the incident standing in buses , but it is not always clear from the recorded data whether the passengers were standing due to the vehicle 's seating capacity being fully utilised or were on their feet moving towards a seat or the bus exit .
4 In 1840 Thomas Wilkins , who was at the time running a successful baking business , took over the mill in the centre of Bourton then known as Lower Valley Water Mills .
5 Mr Nearn , who was at the time sole concessionaire for the Seven , supplied the car used in the series .
6 Indeed , Lord Plowden ( who was at the time a civil servant engaged in economic planning and subsequently the chairman of a public corporation ) has recently suggested that the blueprint laid down in the Act was arguably too detailed , and that questions such as the division of powers between the centre and Area Boards could rationally be placed within the purview of nationalised industry management rather than of Parliament .
7 , Peter ( 1850–1918 ) , locomotive engineer , was born 13 August 1850 in Polmont , Stirlingshire , the son of George Drummond , who was at the time a permanent-way inspector on that section of the North British Railway , and his wife Christina Thomson .
8 The death threats had been provoked by Motoshima 's suggestion in December 1988 that Emperor Hirohito ( who was at the time dying of cancer ) bore some responsibility , " as do all of us who lived in that period " , for Japan 's role in the Pacific War of 1941-45 .
9 It was reported on April 11 , 1990 , that tapes of an interview held following the 1975 trial , between Gerard Conlon , one of the Four , and Peter ( now Sir Peter ) Imbert , now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , who was at the time of the trial a bomb squad superintendent , were becoming a source of conflict between the police and the defence lawyers at the judicial inquiry .
10 The partnership agreement sought to restrain outgoing partners over a period of five years from acting as a solicitor , notary , trade mark or patent agent or in any similar capacity in the Colony of Hong Kong whether as principal , clerk or assistant for any person , firm or company who was at the time of his ceasing to be a partner or had during the period of three years prior thereto been a client of the partnership …
11 And finally there is a statement from a woman called Sarah who was at the time of these events , church and her statement can be read because there is nothing in dispute in it .
12 who was at the time ?
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