Example sentences of "who [be] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 I mean people who are living in the old common lodging houses and in government resettlement units , people living in squats and dingy bed-and-breakfast hotels , and families living cooped up with their relatives because there 's nowhere else for them to go .
2 What impact does it have on the tenants who are living in the flats ?
3 Yeah because I do n't think anything will will work unless it 's what the people who are living in the circumstances and living in the situation erm , if it 's not going to relevant to their lives then , you 're wasting the money .
4 But because it 's got to be right across the board , and they wo n't make exception , of people like myself and others who are living in the community that need home help .
5 There are an awful lot of children in the United Kingdom in fact who are living in the sort of poverty and who 's parents are living in the sort of poverty which in a rich country like our own , should not be tolerated .
6 Well , it means quite a lot for the people who are living in Germany , especially the ones who are living in the East , because their economy has been so run down , it 's got to be put through a sort of shock treatment .
7 The 1.5 million Muslims in modern Bosnia , who are listed in the Yugoslav census as ‘ Muslims of ethnic origin' , are the descendants of those early converts .
8 The main categories of non-private customer are : ( 1 ) Ordinary business investors ( see page 36 below ) ; ( 2 ) Individuals who are acting in the course of carrying on investment business ; ( 3 ) Expert private customers ( whether individuals or small business investors ) who have agreed to be treated as non-private customers ( see page 37 below ) ; ( 4 ) Small business investors who : ( a ) are acting in the course of carrying on investment business , or ( b ) the firm reasonably believes are ordinary business investors ; or ( c ) are trade customers ( see page 38 below ) in relation to the transaction concerned ( who are technically treated as ordinary business investors ) .
9 Those who are born in the Third World have a considerably smaller chance of surviving childhood than those born here — and the same was true of those born in the West a hundred years ago .
10 Well it 's certainly clear that some of the companies , for instance Cliffhanger , which have grown in Brighton and developed Brighton as a base , are not just immensely popular within Brighton , but also very popular when we take them out on tour , or when they offer their services to other venues in other parts of East Sussex or Kent , and this is equally true of some of the community orientated groups , some of the musicians and artists who live and work primarily in Brighton erm their talent is readily appreciable throughout the region and therefore it 's part of our tactics to talk to artists who are operating in the Brighton area and see whether they 're willing or interested in taking some of their work out to other parts of the region .
11 But I think if you listen the stories of women themselves , er , who are abused in the home and who call the police , I think you would find that the same old attitudes are still erm been found .
12 In fact I think the people who are looking in the direction of change in terms of parent governors and P T As etcetera are , I think looking in the wrong direction .
13 Members of the Accommodation Service , who are based in the Student Services building on the Jordanstown campus , can be contracted during office hours on any weekday at Belfast 365131 , Extensions 2394/2941/2942 .
14 The transmission may be simple , the shout ‘ You are standing on my foot ! ’ or a phone conversation , or it may be complicated , as in the example of this book , involving a variety of people who are employed in the publishing , printing , and bookselling businesses .
15 The effect on those who are employed in the areas of work that Employment Action will concentrate on will be to increase unemployment and force down wages .
16 Advise those Network members who are participating in the distribution of the Investment Overview of the progress of the engagement , at significant milestones , and also ensure that they receive copies of all subsequent material being transmitted .
17 The other thing I would like to make sure and this applies also to the members of the public as well as those people who are participating in the discussion , could you please make sure that you have registered for the day .
18 The case studies below illustrate how the aims and objectives of the curriculum and the needs and abilities of users have influenced the design of three databases produced in schools who are participating in the MISLIP project .
19 Paraprofessional workers are defined as those persons who are engaged in the provision of social care or social services to individuals , families , groups and communities but who do not have professional training or qualifications .
20 In his message of congratulations , WACC 's General Secretary , Rev Carlos A Valle , wrote : ‘ We welcome this award as a recognition of your courage and commitment in the field of human rights , and we trust that it will inspire other groups and individuals who are engaged in the struggle for justice , both in Brazil and throughout Latin America . ’
21 In his message of congratulations , WACC 's General Secretary , Rev Carlos A Valle , wrote : ‘ We welcome this award as a recognition of your courage and commitment in the field of human rights , and we trust that it will inspire other groups and individuals who are engaged in the struggle for justice , both in Brazil and throughout Latin America . ’
22 Under such a concept the ‘ core ’ is the central base for professional staff who are engaged in the rehabilitation and personal development of individuals living in the homes ; it may also serve as a training base for staff , a research base for the evaluation and monitoring of the service and a place where the residential care staff meet to exchange ideas .
23 I agree with the hon. Gentleman , however , that all of us who are engaged in the democratic affairs of the Province — that does not simply involve Governments ; it involves also political parties — have a joint responsibility to see whether we can advance matters by way of dialogue .
24 I ai n't , no we 're talking about the people who are getting in the van .
25 Fellow members of a society are those , whoever they may be , who are regarded in the society as fellow members by the others .
26 Sometimes part or all of a commentary is given by people who are featured in the programme .
27 There are a total of twenty six inmates imprisoned at long Lartin prison who are featured in the dossier .
28 It 's only the British people who are kept in the dark . ’
29 Adult offenders who are convicted in the magistrates ' courts will normally be sentenced by a bench of lay ( meaning unpaid , and largely untrained ) magistrates , though in some of the larger conurbations lay benches are supplemented by full-time professional magistrates known as stipendiaries , who sit alone .
30 Defendants who are convicted in the Crown Court are sentenced by a Crown Court judge .
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