Example sentences of "who [verb] him [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His success led to some intimacy with the Indians , who told him that a vast sea lay off to the west — a sea , and a land , infinitely rich in gold .
2 He was awakened by a seaman who told him that the ship would not be leaving for seven days , and there would be no place for him to hide as timber was being loaded under German supervision .
3 He said he was in contact with the Chief Constable of Warrington who told him that the Ball family would welcome him at the funeral , but only as a private individual .
4 My Lord there is a final part of our submission on on this is because I do n't know whether your Lordship has a copy of the report this is the report of the fact that My Lord erm what I wish to refer you to if I may , is erm that paragraph three one of the report which is erm that solicitors and er he instructed himself er from the law society who told him that the law society in paragraph three page five , do n't issue any specific directional guidance duty of care in relation to the plaintiffs transaction , the Law Society view obligation to be have to be considered on the basis of and he then goes on from there to depart from that approach to speculate as to what his approach would be erm
5 Thus in 1296 he consulted his council of magnates who advised him that a certain papal provision would prejudice the crown ; and in 1299 he contested the pope 's claim to sovereignty over Scotland as a threat to the dignity of his crown .
6 In 1923 , at a Balliol gaudy , he met his old tutor , A. L. Smith [ q.v. ] , now the master , who advised him that the best cure for blindness was to have the teeth extracted .
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