Example sentences of "who [verb] with him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His fiancee , Julie Craig , 26 , who lived with him at 34 Churchill Drive , Ardrossan , said that her boyfriend had gone wild in hospital when she visited him .
2 Although there was clear authority at that time for the proposition that a man could not be guilty of the rape of a woman who lived with him outside marriage , Hale himself curtailed it by stating that cohabitation was not a defence but merely some evidence of consent .
3 That satraps as well as the king had their entourage of fellow-diners is proved by Xenophon 's Anabasis ( i.8.25 ) which says that Cyrus the Younger had his ‘ table-sharers ’ , and by Diodorus ' description ( xvii.20 ) of the ‘ kinsmen ’ of the satrap Spithrobates , who fought with him at the battle of the Granikos in 334 .
4 But none of the boys who played with him at St Mark 's Roman Catholic Primary School in Shettleston could ever have guessed they were in the company of a very special talent .
5 But this was almost certainly an ex post joke , unless it was the only explanation he could offer for the remarkably undistinguished collection of ministers who governed with him in 1923 , most of whom he had in any event inherited from Bonar Law .
6 His experience as a flyer was invaluable and those who worked with him at the time , recall the day he died .
7 Milton Humason who worked with him for over 30 years called him a ‘ brilliant leader ’ and wrote , ‘ He was sure of himself — of what he wanted to do , and of how to do it . ’
8 And those who worked with him on ecumenical committees knew that this was nothing like so rigid an Anglo-Catholic as sometimes he was portrayed ; and remembered what he did for the Methodists and other non-Anglicans in Durham .
9 Arthur Ibbetson , the English cameraman who worked with him on several occasions , first notes how alarmed he was to discover what a bad skin Richard had and then enthuses without pause about the shape of his face , his professionalism , his patience .
10 Haynes and Jack Henry Moore , who worked with him on the project , planned to be , as It predicted in late April , ‘ as experimental and as international as the Lord Chamberlain will allow ’ .
11 Civil servants who worked with him in Dublin were equally impressed .
12 Singers like Elisabeth Grümmer who worked with him in Aachen attest to the fact ; it has been elaborately described by Legge ; and Karajan 's younger colleagues remark on it still .
13 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
14 The recollections of those who worked with him in the war years show a striking convergence : volunteers were won over instantly by the self-assured prophetic tone in which he discussed the war and by his knack of making them feel that they had been singled out to receive a confidence .
15 And it was Meli who went with him to Brighton .
16 What Mulliner 's book does not represent adequately is English church music during the agonizing years 1534–58 which saw Henry VIII 's pseudo-Reformation and dissolution of those musical strongholds , the monasteries ; the Protestant triumph and English liturgy of 1549 ; the Catholic reaction and Mary 's marriage to Philip of Spain ( who brought with him during 1554–5 his ‘ Flemish chapel ’ including Philipp de Monte and his organist Cabezon ) ; and the accession of Elizabeth I. Most of Taverner 's church music was probably written before this period , during the years 1526–30 when he was organist and choirmaster of Cardinal College ( now Christ Church ) , Oxford ; it includes eight Masses , three Magnificats , as well as shorter pieces .
17 In Egyptian mythology the first ruler had been the god Re , the creator , who brought with him in the person of his daughter , Maat , the concepts of truth , justice and the order of nature and society .
18 He is surrounded by police , reporters and photographers who move with him like bees in a swarm .
19 But instead of panicking , he proposed to his girlfriend , who sat with him throughout the ordeal .
20 The component parts of the multiplier have been agreed as four years for the period up to the age of nineteen when he leaves school and thirteen years thereafter Mrs doctor and Mr Paul 's headmaster agree that Paul needs an enabler at school during school hours , that is classroom hours , an enabler is in effect a classroom assistant who works with him on a one to one basis to ensure that he can participate in lessons .
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