Example sentences of "who [verb] in [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Even now Peter did n't want to think about Emor , because Emor led to Gaius Marcus Mollandius , who led in turn to Richard Molland and the raven on the water .
2 Dec. 10-12 Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Rogachev visits Cambodia for talks with Hun Sen , who agrees in principle to holding of elections under UN supervision on condition that Cambodia 's UN seat is vacated by CGDK
3 And just as everybody who looked to that serpent on the pole was healed , so I am gon na be lifted up on a cross and everybody who looks in faith to me , and in obedience receives my gift of forgiveness , they will be saved !
4 In the early years of the " new diplomacy " in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries it had not been unusual for a diplomat who died in post to be immediately succeeded by a relative , often a close one , who had been attached to his mission with this possibility in mind .
5 THE thousand who marched in silence to the scene of Rachel Nickell 's murder on Wimbledon Common must surely be heard now .
6 There is little traffic on them during the dark hours at present , but if the lines are to be used by freight trains — some of them a mile long trundling through the night and causing heavy vibration and noise , there will be a dramatic effect on the environment and quality of life of those who live in proximity to them .
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