Example sentences of "who [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly there can be no simple answer to such a question , but we need to appreciate that , until the eighteenth century , the speculative moral philosophers who concerned themselves with such issues did not have to bother about the practical implications of their argument .
2 The British Mesozoic Committee ( who concerned themselves with such matters ) therefore found it impossible to accept the stratotype concept as it is usually proclaimed on the continent .
3 Even those who prided themselves on liberal views found it hard not to score points off the Germans , including refugee Germans .
4 He went on to attack scientists on both sides of the lead debate ‘ who ally themselves to political campaigns …
5 For Hopkins , " an old crony of Wilson 's and a newcomer , a volunteer " sky pilot " who clad himself in semi-clerical , semi-nautical garb consisting of a discreet black habit with a seaman 's jersey and a gold crucifix " , he evidently had nothing but contempt .
6 When Ken was in a bad mood or turned on people who regarded themselves as close friends , it was mostly a reaction to the way he saw himself — a failure to be what he wanted to be most .
7 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
8 THERE was a testing time in store for members of THORP 's Chemical Separation Process team who found themselves in hot water recently .
9 It is still with a sense of amazement at the flights of human inanity that Ruth Michaelis relates the experience of her brother Martin , who found himself in serious trouble with his foster family :
10 Noone epitomised this threat more than Ronan Carolan who helped himself to ten of Cavan 's points — a generous haul by any standards .
11 Both were manned by a gentry proud of its local influence , provincial patriots who devoted themselves to improving roads and preserving historical monuments .
12 This seems to tie in closely with the Eliot who pronounced himself in 1928 ‘ to refute any accusation of playing ’ possum … classicist in literature , royalist in politics , and anglo-catholic in religion , The similarities are made more comprehensible in the 1930 essay , ‘ Baudelaire ’ , where he sees Baudelaire 's Satanism as ‘ an attempt to get into Christianity by the back door .
13 As many as half the New Yorkers who inject themselves with intravenous drugs may carry the AIDS virus ; in the Tacoma and Seattle area only about 10% of the addicts are infected .
14 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
15 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
16 But those who trap themselves inside nationalist thinking , which includes most political journalists and politicians in the UK , prefer not to reckon with the historical fact that most of recorded human history managed fairly well , indeed probably much better , without nationalism .
17 How all those immigrants and children of immigrants , that the Statue of Liberty , means a great deal to those Americans who whose parents or who came themselves from another country .
18 Cheerful , and unaware of the failures at the southern lock , he urged on young Watson , who steeled himself for another attempt at breaking through the place .
19 The membership of SDS grew rapidly from about 4000 in 1965 to some 100,000 three years later , and throughout this period it had much larger numbers of supporters who identified themselves in some way with ‘ the Movement ’ .
20 A couple of years ago this kind of scenario seemed plausible to thousands of people who committed themselves to self-build co-operatives .
21 It is against such a background of fervent articulate piety in Europe , always presenting the Church with the challenge of potential heresy , and occasionally erupting into mass movements like the hysterically fervent white-robed flagellants who lashed themselves in hysterical penitential preparation for the Second Coming , that the English situation in the fourteenth century has to be seen .
22 I hope that my right hon. Friend will join me , the rest of the House and the country in issuing a warning , in the hope and expectation that those who describe themselves as loyalist paramilitaries will not , under any circumstances , physically react to this ghastly occurrence .
23 Although he is based in Paris and spends a great deal of his time in his various houses in France , Lagerfeld is , in the way he conducts his life and work , a relic of an older Germany — a country of small principalities , ruled , like Herzog 's eighteenth-century Weimar , by cultured and cultivated monarchs who surrounded themselves with small courts of aristocrats , intellectuals and kindred creative spirits .
24 Curiously , there were very few who availed themselves of this privilege .
25 Of the forty eight-people in prisons who killed themselves in 1989 , 40 per cent had a history of previous mental disorder .
26 The importance of these spiritual disciplines is also recognized in Islam , where from earliest times there has been a certain class of men known as ‘ The Weepers ’ , who devote themselves to ascetic practices .
27 The number of men who hanged themselves between 1982 and 1991 was 624 , while the number of women who hanged themselves was 73 .
28 ALMA COGAN Gordon Burn Alma Cogan was a British plain Jane who reinvented herself via extravagant frocks and bouffants to become a massive Fifties singing star , dying in 1966 .
29 For those who find themselves in that category , something extra is now needed , some adventitious stroke of fortune , something to upset the terms of the argument and create a world no longer dominated by a leader of proven unpopularity .
30 The police have praised Parveen for her courage , but they 're not recommending that women who find themselves in similar situations react in the same way .
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