Example sentences of "who [verb] [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This view of the incorporation of natural science into the school curriculum is taken by David Layton , who offers us a valuable account of this process of ‘ accommodation ’ in the late nineteenth century , complementary to his earlier study of the demise of ‘ the science of common things ’ .
2 It was De Gaulle who asked me the dumb question in the van-his condescension brought him down to what he imagined was my level .
3 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
4 From suppliers of the largest heavy plant , to those who sell us the smallest washer !
5 ( Paul Du Noyer 21/1/84 — who made it a joint Single Of The Week along with Cyndi Lauper 's ‘ Girls Just Want To Have Fun ’ and Echo And The Bunnymen 's ‘ The Killing Moon ’ )
6 At the German border we were helped by a German trucker who got us the required stamps .
7 Are you , are telling are you telling me that you 'd vote for somebody in rags on the television who promised you a better future ?
8 Eventually , it was David who found him a good ship and carefully guided him through the process .
9 After Charlotte 's death in 1783 , the great love of Hickey 's life was Jemdanee , one of his Indian mistresses , who bore him a short-lived son .
10 It was on those lonely walks that he had first had intimations of an essentially adult truth , that it is those who most love us who cause us the most pain .
11 ‘ You know , Holly , there was a man here once who told me an extraordinary thing about women … ’
12 It was Nanny who told me the rotten news .
13 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
14 ‘ It was an old Pole called Poniatowski , now in exile in Paris , who told me the awful , ghastly , horrifying details .
15 To start with I went along to visit local parent , Mrs Audrey Durrant , who told me the main problem she faces as the mother of a ten year old dyslexic boy .
16 Then , a bit later , I got your landlady who told me the bad news .
17 We went out to breakfast with Mr Robinson , a pleasant but prosy old gentleman who told us a complicated tale of a bust of Wieland , retrieved by himself from unworthy oblivion , to the great delight of Goethe and other literary eminences .
18 Yet the big powers have tended to pick high-grade but unadventurous diplomats who give them a quiet life .
19 The officer who handed us the unofficial communique was risking his neck by taking a public stance against racism amongst his colleagues .
20 There are many of us who owe him a great deal .
21 who showed him the true path :
22 What I would like to do now is to reintroduce Phill who addressed us a little bit earlier this morning who 's going to tell us a little bit more about enterprise client server solutions .
23 The head of the family when I first remember them was William Henry Bayles who was Grandmother 's cousin and the father of a lady who taught me a little bit of music .
24 They listened to people who knew nothing about the game , to people who exploited them , people who taught them the wrong things .
25 At seventeen he joined a travelling band of gypsies who taught him the finer skills of pickpocketing until an accident to his hand six years later put paid to what would have been a very lucrative career .
26 Perhaps Richard had the best of it : at Queen Eleanor 's court he encountered troubadours and intellectuals who taught him the social graces .
27 She regarded them as " mentors " who taught her a great deal about management , and international leadership .
28 Just after the Second World War a village was sentenced to death by planners who called it a rural slum .
29 The book was praised by Goethe and by Sir Walter Scott , who called it the finest book ever written .
30 This effect , which is strongest over the frontal lobes , was first observed in 1964 by Grey Walter , who called it the Contingent Negative Variation .
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