Example sentences of "who [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only a man who offers his word as a guarantee could be so naïve .
2 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
3 Martin Shaw , the Derby director who represents his club on the League management board , said : ‘ The existing rules allow for flexibility in dealing with a case where the player clearly has done nothing wrong himself . ’
4 Eardwulf 's adultery was in fact potentially serious because he became estranged from Eanbald ( II ) , archbishop of York , who succeeded his namesake in 796 .
5 Thomas Martyn , son of John Martyn and who succeeded his father as Professor of Botany at Cambridge , summarised these in the Preface of his revised edition of the Dictionary , published in 1807 .
6 The first expedition , under the king himself , was to sail to Flanders ; the second , under the Earl of Northampton , was to go to Brittany ; and the third and largest was despatched to Aquitaine under the command of the Earl of Derby , who succeeded his father as Earl of Lancaster in that year .
7 Yet this burgeoning proved short-lived , barely continuing into the early years of the reign of Hirohito , the new Shówa emperor , who succeeded his father in 1926 .
8 In some instances these products were grown by peasants who sold their produce to local traders who in turn supplied urban merchants and exporters .
9 He knew it was coming because the girl who sold her story to Playboy magazine in America and the Sunday Mirror in London — British model and actress Karen Mayo-Chandler — warned him .
10 Mr Coskun Yenici , aged 28 , who sold his kidney for £3,000 to finance medical treatment for his father , had to carry the other donor , Mrs Hatice Anutkan , out of the Wellington Humana hospital after the surgery last November .
11 Eric , who sold his house for the venture , is the resident caretaker , and plans to turn the house into a base for fellow trainspotters are under way .
12 The doctor also told of a four-hour meeting with a group of Irish throwers , who asked his advice on how to improve the efficiency of their drug programme .
13 However , Mrs Barlow , who quit her partnership with Peter Clowes in 1978 , was said to have left Britain .
14 Mrs Cann , 25 , who quit her job at the Unilift forklift company in Rumney , Cardiff , after two years , said : ‘ I could n't take it any more .
15 Simon , who quit his job as an estate agent , begins a one-year accountancy course in Newcastle upon Tyne today .
16 I have no time for people who lose their temper with animals but something snapped in my mind then .
17 At the present time patients who lose their job in middle age experience great difficulty in finding another .
18 I have often played host to married friends who bemoan their lack of privacy , or express their desire to be able to put themselves first , once in a while , instead of their partner , parent(s) , children or grandchildren .
19 But if we start from the conception of the rational man who disciplines his spontaneity by an awareness independent of viewpoint , then it is for the egoist to explain why he claims priority for responses from his own viewpoint .
20 A TEENAGE mother who stabbed her daughter to death after giving birth because she was too terrified to seek help , walked free from a court yesterday .
21 A MAN who stabbed his wife to death in front of their young son begged for the boy 's forgiveness in court yesterday .
22 Let's hear it for the Great British Biopic , based on the sort of real-life story which might have leapt straight from the pages of the tabloids , and which in some cases actually did : Ruth Ellis , who shot her feckless lover and paid the ultimate price , in Dance with a Stranger ; Sid Vicious , the smack-addled punk who stabbed his girlfriend in Sid and Nancy ; Joe Orton , the homosexual playwright whose lover battered him to death with a hammer in Prick Up Your Ears ; Josslyn Hay , twenty-second Earl of Errol , who was shot to death in Kenya , in White Mischief ; Christine Keeler , John Profumo and Stephen Ward in Scandal .
23 But anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future erm Anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future may want to understand something about it , so you 're obviously going to be a good source of providing that information .
24 But anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future erm Anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future may want to understand something about it , so you 're obviously going to be a good source of providing that information .
25 The Paul who receives his mission to the Gentiles does so in a trance in the temple at Jerusalem ( Acts 22:17ff ) .
26 Samuel Byrd , of Virginia , who rebuked his wife for severity towards a servant , could make a young dependant of his , Eugene , drink , according to Byrd 's diary , ‘ a pint of piss ’ as a punishment for bed-wetting .
27 This sort of language dismays the traditional ranks of SPD supporters , especially the big trade unions , who fear their voice within the party is being muffled .
28 With no justification , Gervase Markham called angling ‘ the Sport and Recreation of God 's Saints ’ ; that was in 1614 , but already the act of delicate deception that remains central to the pastime had been used to illustrate both the wiles of Satan ( who baits his hooks with sin ) and the grim harvest of Death ( who swaps his scythe for float-tackle ) .
29 Some writers worked as independent agents , such as the High Tory , Charles Leslie , who produced his Rehearsal at first weekly , and then bi-weekly , between 1704 and 1709 .
30 One of the first to join the society was Vincent d'Indy , who became its secretary in 1876 ; indeed , for many years he was effectively its head .
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