Example sentences of "who [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the results became known the party leader , Konstantinos Mitsotakis , met with the single member of a small centre-right party , Democratic Renewal ( Komma Dimokratikis Ananeosis — DIANA ) , who agreed to give external support to an ND government to break the deadlock and avoid a fourth general election .
2 In 1989 , the federal government unveiled a three-year ‘ humanitarian aid ’ package , which provided $30,000 annually to blood-transfused HIV-infected persons who agreed to waive federal liability in the tainted-blood scandal .
3 Before clearing out my desk at the Times-Herald I had a quiet word with Fred Workman who agreed to accept free-lance stories from me .
4 The corporate approach favours ‘ those less committed to service departments … groups interested more in policy analysis than in professional standards , and … those who tend to emphasise local circumstances rather than national standards .
5 This somewhat anthropocentric , ‘ managerial ’ approach to nature is in sharp contrast to that of the ‘ idealists ’ in the environmental movement who tend to advocate total protection for threatened species and habitats , de-industrialisation , and a return to non-intensive methods of food production .
6 These falls have been due in part to straightforward changes in age structure : fewer children — who tend to increase average household size — and more elderly people — who tend to live in smaller households — will both lower the overall average household size .
7 These ties bear hardest on those who tend to accept moral responsibility for caring roles .
8 Orlov and others engineered factional strife in the Ministry of State Properties which in April 1857 led to the appointment as minister of M. N. Murav'ev , a man who believed that " the question [ of emancipation ] had been dreamed up by … academics , theoreticians , [ and ] sons of priests ' and who planned to treat state-owned peasants as harshly as serfs .
9 The main opponents in the land-use battles were the Allegheny Community College and a local developer who planned to build subsidised apartments with 25 per cent reserved for handicapped residents .
10 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
11 He loved clubs and wardrooms with the pre-dinner drinks , the discreet signing of chitties , the smiling elderly waiters ( from a class almost extinct now , men who lived to serve other men ) .
12 Another argument used by those who favour restricting public expenditure is that it must be cut in order to limit the growth of money supply and to curb inflation .
13 It is both unfair and unrealistic to expect those who remain to make further sacrifices in order to service the sensibilities of visitors .
14 Swings were highest amongst voters who watched both BBC and ITV news , and amongst those who avoided watching highbrow television news programmes , but the differences between these groups of television viewers were slight .
15 Until very recently it was conspicuous that the secretariats and standards committees were dominated by Germans who fought to have German standards , which are often the strictest in the world , adopted as definitive EC standards .
16 Collective security necessarily imposed obligations on all nation states , powerful and weak alike , to respect each other 's separate identity and autonomy , and to sanction any member who failed to respect such obligations .
17 If these non-compliant patients who failed to tolerate four weeks of elemental feeding are taken into account , then just 45% ( 10 of 22 ) patients originally randomised to receive four weeks of elemental diet achieved complete remission on diet alone .
18 In the epinephrine group , the only case who failed to achieve initial haemostasis received surgical intervention .
19 Ferguson , who failed to land 16-goal Alan Shearer and bought Dion Dublin — only for him to break a leg — is also thought to be watching Dundee United 's Duncan Ferguson .
20 An archbishop who failed to challenge that kind of economic fundamentalism would virtually have abandoned the social hope of the Christian Church .
21 A DARLINGTON woman who failed to supply exotic food hampers tried to creating some food parcels of her own , a court heard yesterday .
22 In two test cases the Law Lords decided that house-buyers — at least at the cheap end of the market — were entitled to damages against valuers who failed to exercise reasonable skill and care — nor could this liability be excluded by a small-print disclaimer .
23 If the aeroplane broke up in the air or the engine fell apart then the designers could be at fault ; if navigation aids were not working properly a radio engineer could be responsible , or even the Director of Civil Aviation who failed to provide enough money for the maintenance of the aids .
24 The nearest they came to securing the cushion of a two-goal lead came when Rush lobbed the ball into the path of Davenport , who failed to get sufficient power into a shot to beat Walton , who was still deputising for the injured Gunn .
25 Should we not , in conjunction with the very misleading Labour party political broadcast , call to account those who advocate buying home-produced goods but then buy foreign ones ?
26 Staff at DSS offices receive regular information form the Home Office , but many wives tell of officials who deny having any knowledge of the scheme whatsoever .
27 THREE Chinese restaurant owners who admitted passing bogus credit card bills worth nearly half a million pounds through their books , walked free from court yesterday after a jury failed to reach a verdict .
28 A SOCCER club boss who admitted displaying illegal advertising signs at his ground must pay a £150 penalty .
29 Appearing with her before Wirral magistrates was Craig Blackwell , 23 , of the same address , who admitted allowing fraudulent use of the licence .
30 Colling , who admitted causing criminal damage , common assault , unlawful wounding , and three charges of obtaining property by deception , was sentenced to eight months imprisonment , to run consecutively with an 18 month sentence he received at Durham Crown Court in February after being convicted of other deception charges .
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