Example sentences of "her head back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the thunder growled menacingly overhead and lightning forked the sky in a glorious display of pyrotechnics , Hilary burrowed her head back under the covers , but dragged it reluctantly out again as she became aware of the rather ominous sound of dripping water .
2 She puts her head back with a nervous , resigned sigh when you put the gun to her head but she does n't try anything as you cuff her hands behind her back .
3 It was murmured throatily against the swell of her breasts , before his lips found the hard jut of her nipples and she dropped her head back with a gasp of pure delight .
4 Something about the feel of his lips tugging at her nipples began to excite Sally and though she still felt nothing but discomfort from his probing finger she relaxed a little , leaning her head back into the corner provided by the bench seat and the window .
5 She rested her head back on the pillows and looked at him a bit desperately .
6 She shrugged and lay her head back on the seat .
7 Eventually tracking down some bottles of alcohol in the kitchen , she popped her head back around the door to ask Ross what he wanted .
8 ‘ We 're not going to succumb , Bernard , ’ she would say if he made a move towards her , and she 'd toss her head back in a swift , moving , golden curtain .
9 She laid her head back against a cushion , breathing in deeply and regularly to relax the tension in the back of her neck , but it was no use .
10 Leaning her head back against the sofa , she closed her eyes , trying consciously to tone down her wild agitation .
11 When he did , his mouth ravaging hers a peculiarly sweet fierceness , pressing her head back against the pillow , she shuddered uncontrollably and , after a moment 's hesitation , twined her hands behind his head , pulling him down until he was lying on top of her .
12 She rested her head back against the soft leather seat , watching the patterns formed by the trees against the night sky as they drove steadily back to the road .
13 Fran picked up her glass and took a sip of the wine before resting her head back against the cushion .
14 She leant her head back against the hard cushion on the swivel chair , not bothering to open her eyes when the door opened again .
15 She arched her body and threw her head back against the stone surround .
16 Sliding into the scented water , she laid her head back against the cool surface of the bath , willing the heat to relax her tired and knotted muscles .
17 The move completed , Paige sank to the ground and rested her head back against the rising bulk of a tree .
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