Example sentences of "what went on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever it was , she could do nothing about it herself , since she had n't the remotest idea what went on under the bonnet of the Renault .
2 I could see what went on through the two front windows despite the 4p off Whiskas stickers , and I have to admit I was impressed .
3 People are still wondering exactly what went on during the filming of the notorious orgy scene in Erich von Stroheim 's The Wedding March in 1928 .
4 Well , I mean , hopefully there , there 'd be at least er sort of thing erm in the summery to see what went on during the year
5 Tredworth in green and black hoops were well and truly beaten on the field , but it is what went on off the field , that this cup game will be remembered for .
6 ‘ I never knew what went on on the lorries , ’ he said .
7 It would not be proper or right for me to discuss what went on on the specific issues in the Cabinet and I do n't wish to do so .
8 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
9 ‘ I do n't care what went on at the party unless it was blatantly against the law .
10 He came back full of the experience and made us all quite envious , but he was able to see first hand what went on at the business end of the oil industry and picked up some useful knowledge for future reference when dealing with the oil men .
11 The glass was a deep blue colour , opaque , so the outside world could see nothing of what went on inside the heavily guarded building .
12 I was amazed by what went on behind the scenes . ’
13 Of course , rumours abounded about what went on behind the barriers which prevented the common people from entering the districts where the Communist élite lived , but no one knew for sure .
14 We shall probably never know what went on behind the scenes when these phrases were added to the documents .
15 Few people in Polruan knew much about what went on behind the big iron gates that guarded the entrance to Roscarrock Hall , because Sir Gregory had taken the prudent step of making his household almost self-sufficient , and traders were seldom required to call .
16 ‘ I could n't see what went on behind the screen .
17 They would talk about the weather , about what went on by the sea-coast , about Easterling pirates , about news from Lincoln , or Peterborough , or York , or Chester , but not about the forest .
18 No , Maidstone had been right all along : Sandison knew nothing about what went on in the city .
19 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
20 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
21 If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
22 Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
23 One top player said : ‘ It 's just great the way the Mirror has stuck at prising out exactly what went on in the umpires ’ room when the ball was changed during the lunch interval .
24 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
25 Captions on the screen can give brief information about what went on in the missing bits and how much time has elapsed .
26 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
27 But Cadfael was certain by then that Herluin did not know his Tutilo at all , probably never had any clear idea what went on in the minds of any of his novices , because he paid no regard to them .
28 It 's the officers working now who are the only ones who can really tell you what went on in the past .
29 When the Hon. Gentleman has seen all the details , he should compare them with what went on in the valleys when he was a Minister .
30 He was not a fool ; he knew what went on in the fields about his home in summer ; he was not himself without desires , desires and curiosity .
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