Example sentences of "what has been [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both Korea 's Hyundai and Malaysia 's Proton did a deal with Mitsubishi and two new marques were born in what has been a couple of the success stories of the recent years .
2 In all , over £3,000,000 will have been raised in what has been a record fund-raising year .
3 Currencies levels in Table 3 have been taken back to 28th September 1990 , with a view to highlighting what has been a roller coaster ride on the dollar and a drift against most Continental currencies up to June 1992 ; this was then followed by a movement often characterised as ‘ dropping off the edge of a cliff ’ , when sterling left the ERM .
4 What has been the harvest ?
5 What has been the contribution of sociologists to social policy and reform , and what can they realistically expect to do in these areas ?
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what has been the level of investment since 1979 into wave energy research ; and what initiatives he has undertaken to promote its use .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what has been the increase in labour productivity in the coal mining industry since 1983-84 .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the increase in United Kingdom unemployment during the past 12 months .
9 Thinking requires prior knowledge and learning — it makes little sense to reinvent the wheel — but too much emphasis on learning what has been the case can inhibit the growth of thinking about how to do things in unusual and interesting ways .
10 It is also our intention — this differs from what has been the case for a long time — that they will be fully manned units .
11 What has been the subject of radical , almost revolutionary , change over the past decade or so has not been the civic culture but the perceptions of that culture .
12 What has been the fate of Chakufwa Chihana , the opposition leader arrested on 6 April ( see ‘ Silenced Spring ’ , NSS , 17 April ) ?
13 What has been the attitude of successive Governments while all this has gone on ?
14 economy of the community and to have suburbia creeping in and trying to dictate to what has been the foundation of the of their economy , for many , many years is almost ridiculous !
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what has been the change in the United Kingdom 's energy-intensity ratio since 1983 ; and what are the corresponding figures for the rest of the EC and with Japan .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what has been the change in manufacturing industry productivity in the past 10 years .
17 The OAU stated publicly what has been the worry among many developing countries : it welcomed rapprochement between East and West but warned that funds which might have helped alleviate poverty in Africa may be diverted to central Europe .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the rate of growth of self-employment from 1979 to the present time among ( a ) men and ( b ) women .
19 And what has been the effect of the reforms ?
20 What has been the effect on Thanet 's traditional holiday trade of developments in the tourist industry internationally , such as the rise of package holidays overseas ?
21 The logic of this passage from Lord Diplock 's speech clearly requires that judges , when having regard to previous comparable awards , should ascertain from the appropriate table of retail indices what has been the decrease in the value of money since the date of a particular comparable award in order that their award " in the money of the day " may be truly comparable in real terms with the earlier award .
22 Finally , and in many respects most crucially , what has been the impact of the GCSE syllabuses in these subjects ?
23 Second , what has been the impact on the Civil Service of the new climate created by the attempt at tighter spending control ?
24 Since that point though what has been the pattern of our budgets ?
25 What has been the reaction by C&P employees to the quality improvement process ?
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