Example sentences of "what i [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not , after all , ’ she said , looking around her domain with a distinct smile , ‘ running a house of ill repute , which is what I fear the present title of Madame seems to suggest , along with bead curtains , red velvet plush love seats , champagne buckets and other such fittings and accoutrements which are not our style at all these days .
2 And what I , from what I gather the bigger the household that people were in the more they enjoyed it cos the jobs were shared out more .
3 Pakeezah thanked her : ‘ Now that 's what I call a nice cup of tea , ’ she said .
4 Frithrah , you 're what I call a Chief Rabbit ! "
5 " I tell you , he 's what I call a Chief Rabbit .
6 Yeah , yeah it 's got a lot of er it 's a holey , what I call a holey one you know
7 Yes they can erm , distinguish between what I call a do-it-yourself alarms and th the recognized companies .
8 Can I just quickly ask whether there 's any cooperation with the youth service in taking these children out on , what I call a challenging activity like rock climbing , like at weekend residential , because you know , it , it seems cooperation there would be very beneficial I 'm sure , in certain types of children who need the physical as well ?
9 Well we always used to have what I call a traditional Sunday dinner
10 Losing Betty Boo and getting The Sultans Of Ping FC is not what I call a good deal .
11 Now that 's what I call a good funeral
12 And that 's what I call a real bargain : something that 's an improvement and saves you money .
13 ‘ Now that 's what I call a real bird's-eye view ! ’ she exclaimed as she landed , beaming with delight .
14 Well fortunately , for me she was n't what I call a big lady
15 And er , he was a good clean butcher , what I call a clean butcher , you know .
16 So this is what I call a pessimistic er , view of human nature , this Hobbesian one .
17 ‘ Black people in America and internationally within the last 500 years have been put under what I call a policed state , ’ comments Singleton .
18 It is also important to create what I call a maternal genealogy to add to the paternal lineage which the current histories of art canonise — the succession of geniuses passing on the Olympic torch down the ages , man to man .
19 I also have some other tablets , smaller ones , which I have to take if I get a pain across the chest and it persists … what I call a chuntering thing .
20 Always joking about rats : that 's what I call a weird sense of humour .
21 As a tutor I teach my students to steer well clear of what I call the 4 oz syndrome , i.e. the system we were all taught years ago .
22 Just two machines , four people and gradually that got up to a reasonable size er i it grew on the back of companies like , , , manufacturing what I call the coordinated look cos knitwear was utilized for bringing other things together .
23 I said and as I came back up what I call the straight path parallel with the road there were two men loitering in the bushes against the car park .
24 My next film deals with what I call the private war between Africa-American males and females and it 's a romance .
25 What did Freud think anxiety was in , in what I call the first psychoanalytic revolution , the first period , the eighteen nineties ?
26 In addition , men often insisted on the " heavy " side of all these processes : asked to define the finishing processes , one employer 's representative listed " making up into pages and locking it up in the chase , which involves manual heavy labour , lifting and things of that kind — pulling proofs and what I call the heavier labour " .
27 And then I got into this whole thing about what I call the invisible descender theory , which is a joke in my studio but it 's been going on for , you know , nearly twenty years so it 's become a law .
28 I must admit , some of you probably were brought up on Meccano , and certainly not in the mo mo more sophisticated technology we 've got at the moment , but the point is , a lot of these have n't really seen this part of what I call the basic technology itself and er , it was interesting because we were trying to build up some kind of game for their summer fair and the game was quite obviously er , you know er propel a ping-pong into a er series of slots with er , bit like bingo to a certain extent , where you can actually er give prizes for the various holes you could actually penetrate and things like that .
29 And as I say , you ca n't really beat what I call the basic training apprenticeships which you 're to come through .
30 However , there is a danger here of what I call the definitional fallacy , that is a tendency to seek to present the law as if everything was completely cut and dried , whereas such ‘ defences ’ may be better understood as ‘ excuses ’ the primary function of which , from a ( negative ) utilitarian point of view , is simply to minimize the amount of punishment actually imposed without jeopardizing the credibility of the general system of threat through which , arguably , criminal law realizes its prescriptive function .
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