Example sentences of "what is the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 But what is the activity of politics ?
2 Summarize those needs cos there may be more than one and tell him what you 're gon na do , what is the plan of attack , when you 're gon na see the guy again and when we do our business building up , you can take it back to erm the benefits of him introducing us to other people by keeping policy charges down and increasing bonuses whenever possible , cos it 's in his benefit he introduces us to others so we do n't have to advertise , or very very rarely advertise .
3 We have to get away from the idea of saying ‘ Where does it say I ca n't do this ? ’ to ‘ What is the spirit of this ? ’ , and observe the latter . ’
4 What is the function of substitution tables ?
5 The result is to address the issue of the social role of the signifying system ; what is the function of the avunculate kinship relation , the Oedipus myth , the Parisian striptease ?
6 What is the function of Lyman 's Ear , which will replace your own lug , should you survive so long ? ’
7 Instead of using the Lasswellian framework for the study of the media 's effect on , say , individual voting preferences — namely , what is ‘ the effect of the media on the election ’ — Seymour-Ure suggests that one should rephrase the question as follows : ‘ What is the function of media in the electoral process ? ’
8 What is the function of standing rules ?
9 So far so good , but what is the function of marked theme ?
10 What is the function of the Holy Spirit within the Christian Church ?
11 What is the function of intonation ?
12 What is the influence of telly on children ? ’ must be one of the questions most often put to me by parents ( and , indeed , people from the various media ) .
13 What is the history of the tabby cat ?
14 What is the fate of such things in societies in which economic and political power has passed at least ostensibly from hierarchs to the general body of the population ?
15 What is the fate of false coiners ?
16 But what is the fate of a higher culture like ours in which the latency period does not develop as it should and in which , consequently , the Oedipal dilemma is not satisfactorily resolved ?
17 What is the date of dismissal ?
18 So what is the price of the Scottish hills ?
19 What is the price of the bond on 16 May 1990 if the yield to maturity is 9 per cent ?
20 In either case it is only a way of ascertaining what is the scope of the representation .
21 What is the scope of the patent ?
22 Lord may I pick it up page four hundred and two erm at lesson B er there 's a plea of breach of duty , this new plea does however raise the issue not of the original , not apparent on the original fee then what is the scope of the solicitor 's duty that part of a particular aspect of a problem .
23 But what is the composition of the vapour at this point ?
24 A number of questions should be asked : what is the objective of the journal ? who will drive the publication , managers , shop floor workers , the unions , project groups ? how much power will the editor have ? who has the final power of veto ?
25 What is the currency of the Bahamas ? a ) Bahamian dollar b ) Bahamian rupee c ) Yen
26 Where we put our protractors and start from , at seventy degrees , and then they 'll say , so the bearing , the bearing of B from A is seventy degrees , and then they 'll say , what is the bearing of A from B ?
27 What is the moral of this story ?
28 What is the moral of the story ? ( i ) Tamper with infinity at your own peril , and ( ii ) Some ways of solving a problem are easier than others .
29 What is the logic of the expression ‘ that among various other sensations or feelings ’ in Mill 's sentence , and of ‘ that sensation ’ in mine ?
30 What is the logic of this process ?
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