Example sentences of "what had [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 What had come to the poets in their most serene or passionate moments we glided into as easily as we gathered flowers for Maud or Blanche or Mabel , as we lay in the grass with our eyes divided between the books , the land and the clouds .
2 It openly evoked the example of the Soviet dissidents , and voiced the despair of liberals of varying shades at what had happened to the fabric of British society since 1979 .
3 As I was swept along by the noisy laughing crowd out into the tropical evening I persistently wanted to know what had happened to the dog .
4 Nobody seemed to know what had happened to the passengers .
5 He was curious to know what had happened to the condoms , the Bob Martin 's and the vibrator .
6 What had happened to the old thrifty , puritanical streak which Middle America had inherited from the pioneers ?
7 What had happened to the girl ?
8 But while Francis and Mary fussed about the situation in Edinburgh , setting up an enquiry into what had happened to the burgh council , in February 1560 the Protestant lords did something ideologically much less courageous than their deposition of the regent , but in practical terms infinitely more crucial : they made the Treaty of Berwick with England , and were assured of English help .
9 In October it demanded to know what had happened to the seventy-acre industrial site and the industrial training centre promised by Faulkner and Minister of Development William Craig , and in February 1966 the DUAC lobbied the House of Commons at Westminster , led by Finbar O'Doherty , who was at this time its London representative .
10 Now , however , she sat up in bed and wondered , as she had been wondering for the last few days , what had happened to the spider .
11 She took another spoonful of her mother 's chicken soup and smiled as she pushed her fringe back out of her eyes , and she wondered what had happened to the spider — where it had been transported to and what had become of it .
12 The social workers and foster mothers who have worked with children abused in this way also have much to tell us , as Bea Campbell 's recent Channel 4 film demonstrated : not least that they too lived in fear whilst trying to discover what had happened to the children they were working with .
13 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
14 But now what had happened to the old guard was happening to him , too .
15 What had happened to the motor-bike ?
16 One of Brook 's first tasks when Churchill re-entered Downing Street was to explain what had happened to the Cabinet system since 1945 .
17 When stereo LPs were launched in 1958 , someone pointed out this fact , and research was put in motion to find out what had happened to the ‘ stereo cylinder ’ .
18 His plans were thwarted for some time as no-one knew what had happened to the trophies .
19 What had happened to the Berwick raiding squadron was not to be known ; but the chance of any of its craft being able to penetrate the blockade , even by night , was minimal .
20 The two men groped their way back to the cabin , occasionally glancing back to see what had happened to the strange engine .
21 The Eladeldi had been so quick arriving she had n't even seen what had happened to the Capellan float .
22 It is not known whether Lady Tynte investigated just what had happened to the bird 's genitalia but subsequent studies of female pheasants showing similar transvestite tendencies revealed that only sexual differences developing at or after puberty were affected and that the reproductive organs themselves remained unaltered ( Yarrell , 1827 ) .
23 What had happened to the girl he had fallen in love with ?
24 Neither knew what had happened to the upper-crust types , only that they would not be welcome now .
25 We went to the back , to the great stone pond , to see what had happened to the fish .
26 What had happened to the enormous sum of £pound72,356 put into the union 's coffers in 1890 ?
27 However , Chicot and his father had been killed by the Nazis , and no one knew what had happened to the girl .
28 At last we knew what had happened to the Archbishop 's special envoy .
29 So they sat wrapped in their own morbid silences , each harbouring his own private fear about what had happened to the village and how it could happen to them .
30 As they ran , mentally counting down the seconds , both Benny and Ace 's thoughts were of what had happened to the Doctor .
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