Example sentences of "what they [vb base] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Suppliers are angry about what they discern as a consistent pattern of Brandmakers refusing to pay bills because , the company says , goods delivered have fallen below the required standard .
2 Therefore when there is trouble afoot , they will move their young to what they regard as a more secure home .
3 The agency is in a belligerent mood , fighting off what they regard as a male backlash .
4 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
5 When they hear a battle is brewing they flock to the battle site , ready to cast themselves into what they regard as the final hopeless battle between good and evil .
6 Directly related to this theme is the second major concern of libertarian writers : the roots of what they regard as the élitist , coercive nature of the regime established by the Bolsheviks .
7 While Robson 's view is , today , largely rejected by academic observers , the agency model is still widely adhered to by many practitioners at local level — both councillors and officers — who in the second half of the 1980s see central controls inhibiting their freedom to act in what they regard as the local interest .
8 As the constitutional authorities gradually detach themselves from wholehearted support for our system of democracy so they envisage the judges assuming a role of extended significance in defending liberty and in checking what they regard as the misuse of political power .
9 The latter now choose to use what they regard as the more salubrious transportation of the motor car or the aeroplane .
10 Ministers are said to have been impressed by what they regard as the success of privately-run prisons and want to extend the scheme to other parts of the criminal justice system .
11 This is a response from workers who are perhaps seeking a respite from a tedious job , or who wish to defy what they regard as an oppressive management .
12 Naturally , neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics .
13 Campaigners blame the rise on what they regard as an increasingly remote institutionalized approach to childbirth .
14 In a way , black sportsmen in Britain are responding to what they perceive as a challenge .
15 SENIOR figures in the Presbyterian Church are expressing concern at what they perceive as a ‘ media bias ’ against them when covering matters of public interest .
16 In the next part , I describe Buid attitudes towards what they perceive as the intrinsic aggressiveness of their lowland Christian neighbours , before turning to the activity in which the symbolism of tranquillity and aggression receives its greatest elaboration : animal sacrifice .
17 National styles in music can be powerful , especially when the listeners of one nation are presented with music so powerfully impressed with what they perceive as the style of another .
18 The Wrights live in the village of Cleadon , 4 miles north of Sunderland , in what they describe as a 150 year old ‘ fun house ’ , complete with sea views .
19 The Russian President and the G7 leaders have forged what they describe as a long-term partnership .
20 Police are appealing for witnesses to what they describe as a particularly stupid , vicious and cowardly attack
21 NHS staffing will also be reformed with more in-service training and teams of accredited specialists replacing what they describe as a ‘ consultant-led hierarchy . ’
22 Their home , an 1855 Quaker Meeting House at Garstang , near Preston , is furnished in what they describe as an eclectic ‘ mish-mash ’ of styles , from 16th century to late 19th and everything in between .
23 Traditionally it is a peaceful event , without confrontation between police and what they describe as the hippy convoy .
24 Despite using expensive state-of-the-art machinery , the pitch staff have been defeated by what they describe as the wettest season in living memory .
25 This shift seems to have occurred as many in the business community observe what they interpret as the collapse of social order in American cities ; a collapse , which carries with it the value systems underpinning the democratic state .
26 So this opportunity depends on a difference of opinion : investors thinking that prices are going to carry on rising , while firms rush to exploit what they see as a temporary state of affairs .
27 Some reserve a special anger for France , the Maghreb 's former colonial power , because of what they see as a betrayal of its politique Arabe .
28 But the British and American governments are opposed to what they see as a diversion of the bank 's core activities in encouraging private enterprise in eastern Europe .
29 But they also know that it need not achieve the sort of certainty that leads theologians to drive wedges between faith and reason , or faith and history , in a desperate attempt to achieve a level of conviction that is impossible in what they see as a hostile rather than a mature scientific environment .
30 As North 's tawdry tale unfolded one was reminded of the 1962 novel Seven Days in May — which tells how a group of disaffected American generals plan to overthrow what they see as a weak and ineffective president by a military coup .
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