Example sentences of "what we [vb base] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 The writer works at the impossible task of creating a poem , a narrative , which tries to narrow the gap between the signal and what is signalled : tries to reverse the separation between the world and what we write about the world .
2 Let us look at what we know about the two halves of the human brain :
3 Take what we know about the neural mechanisms of language , for example .
4 Another approach , exemplified by Vygotsky and Donaldson , supposes that children 's pictures — like all other aspects of their behaviour — must be interpreted in the light of what we know about the context in which the picture is produced and the culture in which the child operates .
5 What we know about the Ukrainian Division is that it was not retained by 5 Corps in Austria , and that by the end of May it had turned up in Italy .
6 It therefore seems sensible to reject a strong form of the clausal hypothesis as inconsistent with what we know about the way in which the syntax and semantics of clauses is analysed .
7 Radar studies of Venus began in 1961 and have revealed much of what we know about the Cytherean surface .
8 Let us begin then with a brief review of what we know about the ego 's past in order all the better to be able to understand something about its present and future .
9 It is a fair enough summary of what we know about the working lives of most women .
10 Given what we know about the formation of new varieties of English in overseas colonies of Britain , we might expect a similar process to have taken place among Caribbean migrants living in Britain itself .
11 The basic claim of the Principle is plausible enough : in constructing a fictional universe we rely on what we know about the actual world unless instructed otherwise .
12 The ultimate test of any health in the city strategy is what we do about the health divide .
13 To understand them more fully is to see more clearly what we believe about the real connections , connections in extra-linguistic reality .
14 The second question was : If everything is determined by some fundamental theory , then what we say about the theory is also determined by the theory — and why should it be determined to be correct , rather than just plain wrong or irrelevant ?
15 What I looked for , but only occasionally glimpsed , was the recognition that , though differing frameworks of shared assumptions may be barriers to effective understanding , the rewards can be substantial — if not for what we learn about the alien systems then for what we may discover about our own previously unquestioned beliefs .
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