Example sentences of "what she be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I know what she 's done to me an' all . ’
2 What she 's done to me so far is — probably — the worst she can do .
3 But why should I do her any favours and explain this , after what she 's done to me ?
4 That 's what she 's pointing at .
5 And just look what she 's made of it .
6 If that 's what she 's thinking of , then I guess that we all very much wish it could happen .
7 She 's not a fool , and she knows what she 's dealing with . ’
8 Looks can deceive , though , because to look at her you would think she was aggressive , or dead political , but she is n't , it 's just that punk is the look she likes , and what she 's aiming for .
9 Whether she is consciously twisting logic , or just , poor girl , confused , I 'm not sure , but at the end it 's quite clear ‘ So dear I love them that with him all deaths I could endure , without him live no life ’ , that she 's got into a world of fantasy because the one thing that is of course not in question is that Adam should die and that she should live on , which appears to be what she 's referring to here .
10 She 'll understand your anger and stop what she 's doing for the time being , but that wo n't stop her doing it again when you ca n't see .
11 Here , do you know what she 's doing for the Body Shop now ?
12 when I look at Lindsey and what she 's doing at the minute , I look back to my own life at her age
13 Though what she 's doing with a thick Irish cunt like you is beyond me . ’
14 I erm , did something to her friend like erm you know , this lad she 's supposed to be going with , I du n no what she 's doing with him or anything .
15 Did she decide what she 's doing with her money yet ?
16 I think that our problem is like , that we do n't sort of like get together and me , and I know what I ; m doing with Jack , and Linda knows what she 's doing with Jack , but me and Linda do n't know what each other are doing .
17 I wonder what she 's doing with her life ?
18 I du n no what she 's talking about cos I ca n't hear through the glass , but she keeps laughing at things he says .
19 She got a man nobody else wanted and so she knows what she 's talking about .
20 Sue knows what she 's talking about .
21 ‘ I do n't know what she 's talking about , ’ said Adam indifferently .
22 I thought , ‘ Fuck it , she do n't even know what she 's talking about . ’
23 Yeah so just to get you so you understand about fractions , you know what 's going on and you can ask intelligent questions and your teacher 'll think , Oh she knows what she 's talking about .
24 ‘ I do n't know what she 's talking about , Dane . ’
25 ‘ She 's a grown woman , I think she knows what she 's talking about . ’
26 I 've no idea , she 's knows what she 's talking about .
27 We had a new television yesterday Fred , that 's what she 's talking about .
28 Well she comes out with such a load of claptrap , she do n't know what she 's talking about most of the time ah , are you and dad gon na buy a box each ?
29 Well I do n't know what she 's talking about
30 what she 's talking about you know , because I said well the bits that Daphne brought here
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