Example sentences of "what it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It has an overdraft of just over £1m , and its finance committee was told this week that , after hoarding trade-union and individual affiliations since 1987 , the party would have some £6m to spend in a May or June election — still much less than the Tories , but twice what it spent in the last election .
2 This remark did not go down well with Alcuin , who thought he was being criticized , but we can see what it meant to the late ninth-century writer who reported it .
3 Lee sat with her hand gripped tightly around the curved handle of a pint mug of beer and tried to work out who could have decorated the rostrum with this masochistic phrase and when and why and what it meant to the writer and whether the evening 's entertainment was aware of the invitation signalling beneath her feet .
4 Quite clearly what it meant to the average rate payer was seven pound a year .
5 Remember that what you think a word means is not necessarily what it meant for the writer .
6 If statements by Ministers as to the intent or effect of an Act were allowed to prevail , this would contravene the constitutional rule that Parliament is ‘ sovereign only in respect of what it expresses by the words used in the legislation it has passed : ’ per Lord Diplock in Black-Clawson [ 1975 ] A.C. 591 , 638e .
7 It is a while since the BCU have been involved with making films but the comeback is well handled and is a quality film , making up in the information supplied on what it lacks on the American squirt films .
8 To the coming generation of performers , pop was no longer expected to mean anything other than what it represented on the surface ; it was as if pop music 's aspirations towards deeper meanings and truths had been exhausted ; social realism was distanced by irony and a conscious manipulation of artifice .
9 By 1983 , the government seemed resigned to the continuation of the rates and sought other ways to curb what it perceived as the excessive expenditure of some local authorities ( see pages 185 — 9 ) .
10 The openly aggressive posture of fascist Germany to the revolutionary communist state , its frequently proclaimed intention to exterminate what it perceived as the sickness of communism , inevitably mobilised support for the defence of threatened revolutionary ideals .
11 The survey asked the public what it thought of the service and aimed to identify potential areas of improvement .
12 The point is this , after a general election the party that 's won , it 's share of the vote in the most , in , in the , in the opinion poll taken most immediately after the election it goes up , it 's higher than actually what it gets in the general election .
13 Give the children a simple message and ask them to pass it along and see what it becomes at the end .
14 Seventy-two hours after noting what it filed as the Princetown Input , Yggdrasil devoted three unprecedented seconds to a projection .
15 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
16 The modern school must , to my mind , stand or full by what it does for the worst-equipped children .
17 If a character manages to take the wand he 's not going to be able to sit down and figure out what it does in the heat of battle , so it 's not usable immediately .
18 The human eye is here doing exactly what it does in the breeding of pedigree dogs or prize roses .
19 And so what it does after the first ten minutes , it says , look I 've had enough of this , what 's the grey haired old bugger on about now , oh ,
20 I wonder what it tells of the spirit of the age that the 100th birthday of one of our most distinguished writers should be greeted by a knocking biography .
21 Because of that , the CITB has had to introduce various schemes using its own investment to tide it over what it believed at the outset would be a short recession , but which has now become a very deep and long recession .
22 My Lords to come back to what it said at the end , and this is what the Noble Lord , Lord Carrigan mentioned , it talks about one of six regional short listing panels .
23 I read what it said on the notice and it said , Health and Safety at Work , it said , Obey These Signs , it said , and it said , ‘ They Are There For Your Protection . ’
24 Both he and Mr Heseltine warned against making light of the huge trade deficit and what it said about the manufacturing base of the economy .
25 That 's what it said in the
26 The last thing Champagne required was a plentiful harvest , but that was precisely what it got with the bumper crop of 1934 .
27 It delivers just what it promises in the shape of 10001 short paragraphs , each containing a simple practical idea which might be put into practice in our daily lives .
28 From Plato 's Academy , in fifth-century BC Athens , to the latest government report on higher education , experts have been pronouncing on the value of college education — what it contributes to the development of individual character and what to society .
29 It also rejects what it perceives as the present Conservative Government 's narrow view of health :
30 She had a little white sedan with plenty of what it takes under the hood .
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