Example sentences of "what have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What has been the average wind component during the flight ?
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what has been the average annual increase in national health service capital spending since 1978-79 ; and what was the average increase between 1973-74 and 1978-79 .
3 I 'm really worried , concerned about the integrity of what has been the finest service in the world . ’
4 Indeed one might well argue that unless this generation is able to distinguish between what has been the religious vehicle which has carried people 's love of God , and the love of God itself which needs to be interpreted in new ways , there may be scant hope for the future of religion in the west .
5 ‘ I 've had time to think it well and truly through in what has been the longest three quarters of an hour of my life between phone call and you getting here — and it just has to be you .
6 It was the final straw in what has been the worst Christmas of her life .
7 Finance Ministry officials specifically related the reduction in the rate of increase for defence expenditure to the relaxation of tension between what had been the Soviet bloc and the West .
8 Ould Taya was supported by what had been the sole legal party , the Democratic and Social Republican Party ( Parti républicain démocratique et social — PRDS ) , and by the army .
9 In 1950 the Russians had their headquarters in what had been the Imperial Hotel , a fine baroque building which the Russians had quickly turned into a slum as they found it hard to understand the intricacies of a modern plumbing and toilet system which few of them had ever seen before .
10 What had been the living style of a whole region , modified to suit all classes of people , became a piece of pleasant antiquarianism for a rich man .
11 But if a woman should ask for a particular garment , he would take her into what had been the front room of the house and there , in comparative privacy , she could make her choice and try on the clothes .
12 The speeches of Finbar O'Doherty and Eamonn Melaugh were more militant in tone but they did not demur from Hume 's denial of what had been the central purpose of the DHAC — the unity of the working class around a material grievance .
13 He was to pay tribute to Kingsmill after his death in an exchange of letters with Malcolm Muggeridge , published as About Kingsmill ( 1951 ) , and recalled what had been the deepest friendship of his life between the lines of Johnson and Boswell ( 1958 ) , the last book written at the height of his powers .
14 Only when that has been fully experienced can the bereaved person take what had been the good parts of the lost relationship and find a new relationship into which those positive feelings can be renewed .
15 It proved a fitting finale to what had been the first period of sustained fighting in the war .
16 By the early sixth century Italy was in the hands of the Ostrogoths ; France was divided between the Franks , the Burgundians and the Visigoths , who also controlled Spain ; what had been the Roman province of Africa had been transformed into the Vandal kingdom .
17 It had been bored or dug or had occurred naturally at an incline of about thirty degrees , so that all the way down into the mine , holding onto the rope , they had had purchase for their feet , had almost been able to walk don , though describing it thus made a dull and orthodox act of what had been the great adventure of their boyhood .
18 They were said to face summary execution if found guilty of complicity in what had been the fifth rumoured coup attempt since the military took power in June 1989 .
19 He may have meant the general composition of what had been the whole great building : who is to say that he did not also intend the look , smell , feel and silence of these stones ?
20 He had made his headquarters in what had been the presidential suite of the Hilton hotel .
21 By looking at the kinship terms of a society one could therefore know by this means what had been the previous kinship system , practised in the past by the people concerned .
22 He was quite a disciplinarian and rarely deviated from what had been the conventional 3Rs school of teaching .
23 I did n't know what had been the last meal eaten before leaving South America but it took me twenty minutes to coathanger my way through it , and consequently I had missed breakfast .
24 What have been the main features ?
25 With Girlschool reconvened , and the arrival of Jackie Carrera on bass , they seem poised at the beginning of a newish era , but what have been the high spots of the band 's history so far ?
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