Example sentences of "what have [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What has emerged to some extent , especially in the more commercial climate of the 1980s , is an American-style , non-political , ‘ business trade unionism ’ .
2 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
3 This is what has happened to two very different designers this season .
4 But what has happened to all the bright promises ?
5 Have you ever wondered what has happened to all those travel agents or airline display models seen behind plate glass windows in the high street ?
6 Gradin is the reflection of what has happened to all of us .
7 " And she has good reason to say so when she looks at what has happened to all the rest of them . "
8 And it is fanciful to suggest that an order on Mr. Tully to say whether he has received Abbey 's money and if so what has happened to that money could result in his ill-treatment or in a dubious confession .
9 Before dealing with this , it is necessary to document what has happened to industrial land and shopping , two issues not linked at all in the Structure Plan but very much interrelated in subsequent developments .
10 The present Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge , Revd Don Cupitt , concluded in his Sea of Faith TV series ( and book ) that these two thinkers must represent what has happened to religious thinking in the last 100 years .
11 Let us look at what has happened to other utilities in Great Britain that were fixed by the Government before they broke down .
12 But to rely on the decline of pre-war forms of working-class life and the rise in consumerism as a political explanation for what has happened to working-class loyalties is the narrowest kind of mythic reconstruction .
13 It 's just er a small section of foot of a footnote which gives an account of the history of the clause in er of the section in the er Police Act of nineteen sixty four with which we are dealing and of course Your Lordships will be well aware that we moved on from Section er from the Sections of the Police Act , we 're not dealing with them at all , we 're dealing with what has happened to those Clauses since and I thought perhaps Your Lordship might Your Lordships might be interested in the sort of guidance which is made available th so , so fortunately to us and so that we can have our minds very clearly focused upon the issues .
14 On reading the list of collections in the occupied territories , one can only speculate as to what has happened to some 3,000 numismatic items , 15,000 volumes of rare books and 8,100 prints , as well as antique arms belonging to the collection of Baltazar Bogisic , one of the most distinguished Croatian scientists of the nineteenth century .
15 What has happened to this Henry , since he landed at Ravenspur and struck out so baldly for a crown ? ’
16 I simply can not think what has happened to this class you 've ta when you 've .
17 Ironically , it has been one of the board 's own employees , Dr Ross Hesketh , who has been questioning many of the rather bland assurances on what has happened to British plutonium from the civil programme .
18 But then … what had happened to all that ?
19 What had happened to all her resolutions not to get involved ?
20 ‘ I was wondering what had happened to that , ’ she said .
21 Not the same person , though ; goodness knew what had happened to that person .
22 It 's personal because when I heard what had happened to young Leakey , I lost my rag .
23 He wondered what had happened to handsome Georgie , the boy he was supposed to be meeting at the pub on the night of the murder .
24 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
25 I was crying because of what had happened to both of us , which was so sad and pitiful .
26 When we left Baghdad , there was no further news of what had happened to those on board , except that the ship had been forced to unload its cargo in the port of Kabbous , Oman .
27 What had happened to those carefully hoarded letters , she wondered , and who would tell Stan when he arrived ?
28 But what she did not know was what had happened to those interests — or to him — since Simon 's death , apart from the fact that Vitor had immediately retired from racing .
29 Ohhh what have done to this little dog !
30 Readable , full of erm , empirical evidence about costs of agricultural protection , and what 's happened to agricultural prices and I re I do recommend that you have a look at it if you , it 's an invaluable if you look at anything , look at , look at this one article .
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