Example sentences of "what [noun prp] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the final analysis , collective security was founded on what Nizan referred to as the Soviet formula of " treaties accessible to everyone " , not on the Hitlerian formula of " treaties accessible to a few at the exclusion of everyone else " , Nizan ceaselessly denounced all attempts to reduce international diplomacy to what he disparagingly termed " private agreements between gang leaders " .
2 If this suggests that there are other sorts of English people than the sort Auden has in his sights , on the other hand it lends point and force to his censure of Beerbohm , and of what Beerbohm stands for in English life .
3 Further , surrealist allegory for Benjamin is a method in which these figural signifiers are taken from ‘ the petrified and insignificant ’ , from what Breton spoke of as the ‘ dresses of five years ago ’ ( Sontag 1979 , p. 26 ) .
4 I feel that your columnist Liam ‘ Mine-And-Your-Social Conscience ’ Fay misses much of the point of P. J. O'Rourke 's works , as he clearly falls into the category of what O'Rourke refers to as the ‘ permanently indignant ’ .
5 Wendler has also assessed which application areas , or what Gartner refers to as middleware — everything between the hardware and what the user actually sees — are most appropriate for the near-term deployment of opens systems .
6 Behind all this was discernible the dim outlines of an even grander vision — a vision of an Anglo-Saxon world state , in which Britain , the white dominions and America ( realigned with Britain after what Curtis referred to as the ‘ schism ’ of 1775 ) would in concert undertake to ensure the peace and prosperity of the world : Curtis was not called ‘ The Prophet ’ for nothing .
7 The group demonstrates what Janis refers to as ‘ group think ’ — ‘ a deterioration of mental efficiency , reality testing and moral judgement that results from in-group pressures ’ .
8 Alison smiled at him her sunny smile which removed from her face what Franca thought of as her ‘ legal look ’ .
9 What MAFF refers to as ‘ local knowledge ’ and ‘ desk studies ’ were then used to modify these boundaries ; on the ground inspections by ADAS staff were limited .
10 A third problem is what Eisenberg refers to as that of positional conflicts of interest .
11 Celia Hooper , secretary to the Deanery Synod , one of what Anna thought of as Peter 's groupies .
12 Here the sales staff glided about with languid grace more reminiscent of Paris than New York , the house models managed to look like elegant advertisements for Varna even after a long session of standing stock still while a toile was pinned and draped and adjusted around them , and even when a rail of sample clothes had to be wheeled across the hallowed expanse of green , carefully hidden inside grey and black sample bags to make sure they were safe from the photographic eye of a fashion spy , it was managed with what Hugo referred to as ‘ panache ’ .
13 The new churches need to see that what Jesus prayed for in John 17 has also to be applied to love between churches .
14 The finish is what Hamer refer to as their ‘ '59 Burst ’ and is indeed reminiscent of that which adorns the best Gibson Les Pauls from around that era .
15 He began what Daniel thought of as his " creeping " to the back-stairs .
16 But perhaps the most crucial changes they made were to what Gordon referred to as the " macrostructure signalling " within the passage .
17 The maze of assumptions that constitute this other part of the structure is what Lakatos refers to as the protective belt .
18 ‘ Mummy did n't want me to come here , ’ she told Anne in what Anne thought of as a ‘ far back ’ voice , ‘ but I did n't want to arse around playing Lady Bountiful I wanted to do real war work .
19 What Olson drives at in Pound is his Fascism , not his anti-Semitism .
20 William assumed what Kate thought of as his tutorial manner .
21 It is this ‘ spatial ’ potential of colour — what Riley refers to as plastic — which has superseded the previous emphasis on the chromatic ; colour serves to counteract the potentially conflicting space of the oblique construction .
22 What Lorentz objected to in American actors both in Hollywood and on the stage was summed up by a director friend of his who spoke of how ‘ they have no humility ’ .
23 The resulting effects , as people attempt to create their own personal and insulating space ( what Harré refers to as Umwelt ) are profound :
24 But as Henry remarked to Elinor as the cortège moved away from Darby 's , the undertaker in the village , a charabanc might have been a more decent way of moving the extraordinarily large number of people who turned out for what Sprott referred to as ‘ the big goodbye ’ for Donald Templeton MD .
25 The initial interest of political researchers into the question of what to do with the regions came about , it must be said , not out of concern for neglected political interests in the periphery ( what Tarrow refers to as ‘ regionalism as peripheral defence ’ ) but because of a trend thought to have been observed in modern politics which seemed to go to the heart of the functioning of modern political systems .
26 Might this be what Bowsher refers to as overwhelming pain ?
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