Example sentences of "what [pers pn] be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 So came what I am calling the liberal state .
2 That 's what I 'm walking the streets for . ’
3 The trouble is , I ca n't for the life of me remember what I was wearing the last time I went to see Angy , or on the day she died .
4 Maybe that 's what I was thinking the big house was .
5 Mm , what , something I what I was watching the other night erm , what on earth was , something , it was nineteen forty seven that were , it was er , it was an old repeat
6 So that 's what you 're buying the hair for ?
7 To shed some light on what you 're cooking the hood also incorporates a useful hob light .
8 What you 're seeing the moon by is the reflected light of the sun .
9 Remember what you were saying the other day .
10 Is that what you were saying the night before ?
11 Role B : Keep the details of what you were doing the same as for the last interview .
12 The problem of course goes inescapably to a notion of the quality of experience ( though what we are calling the aesthetic here is not , or not only , a question of intensity ) .
13 I think , I think I would , having moved the recommendation would seek to clarify what we 're asking the Government to reconsider , erm , because we 're not saying what they should come up with as a new policy , but I think we could add the words , for capital investment , at the end of the motion , recognising that at one level of government , central government it has been the practice in the past , er when they had some capital they could sell in the form of British Telecom shares and er , indeed other nationalised industries , er not to use the er the results erm , er release this realised by that capital disposal for capital investment , instead to use it for revenue purposes , which was in the long term somewhat unfortunate .
14 Ca n't get rid of him , yeah and that fits in with what we were saying the other day about the Freudian kind of relation between the three of them .
15 erm , do you know what we were saying the other night ?
16 That does n't satisfy campaigners who fear the development of what they 're calling the M418 will bring increased traffic and more — this is a site bought by Esso to build what the protestors fear will be a motorway service station .
17 This is the culmination of a campaign to mobilise white opinion against President de Klerk 's reforms , and to launch what they 're calling the third freedom struggle of the Boer Nation .
18 But they want you to use the graph and that 's what they 're giving the marks for .
19 And erm also in what they 're saying the intimacy of their self-dissuasions .
20 It depends on what they are organise the things they need .
21 ‘ No one can remember what they were doing the day Angela Brickell disappeared . ’
22 To know this is part of competence with the concept of B ; part of what it is to know the meaning of ‘ B ’ .
23 This criticism depends on a view about what competence with a concept is , a view about what it is to know the meaning of a word , about what it is to know the rules for the application of that word , rules that take you from one instance to the next .
24 This criticism depends on a view about what competence with a concept is , a view about what it is to know the meaning of a word , about what it is to know the rules for the application of that word , rules that take you from one instance to the next .
25 ‘ There now , see what it is to have the logic !
26 Contrary to what it is saying the problem is not in the belief but in the believer , not in the insufficiency of truth but in the self-sufficiency of the truster .
27 At least that 's what it 's telling the PC press , with IBM retorting that it 's trying to spook customers .
28 Dickens knew at first hand from his own childhood what it was to live the life of the poor .
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