Example sentences of "what [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I went through cookbooks to see what I might do with it .
2 Small children have strong ideas about what mothers do or do not do ; my own adolescent children are very worried about what I might do in public to embarrass them .
3 And yet I risked everything I had worked towards , all the hope of what I might do in a position of real power , for something that was obviously doomed to failure from the start .
4 Where you might require specialist advice in what I might describe as ‘ stand alone ’ projects , which in themselves will generate a report , for example , the founder directors requiring a due diligence report on the target company or advice on establishing share option schemes or other suitable management incentives for the new company , I would expect , following a more detailed discussion to provide a separate terms of reference and fee estimate .
5 Whilst I was wondering just what I might buy with it , the problem was solved when Mum bought me a grey shirt .
6 You ca n't really expect me to go fishing about underneath your bed if I do n't even know what I might find under it , now can you ? ’
7 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
8 Yeah , but I 'll tell you what I 'll laugh like hell if I get the iron !
9 What I 'll do for you deliberately er if the situation changes between now and a fortnight 's time after you 've sp spoken to your accountant , I 'll probably look at twenty , thirty and forty just to give you an illustration of what the expectations er are by , by putting a sum in there .
10 You might be surprised to find that it only means an increase in activity of fifteen percent of what you 're currently doing , to achieve something that 's in year three , that you 've got as year three , and you might think , ooh , that 's what I 'll do for year two .
11 I do n't know what I 'll do without 'im . ’
12 He says an which he says you 've worked so hard , cos I worked for two casters which I should n't have done really , but that 's how I were used to working you see and er , he said er , I said well me dad keeps asking me to go and work for him , and he said well I 'll tell you what I 'll do with you , he says you 've worked so hard for us , this bloke came from Bloxford you know He says you 've worked so hard for us , he said we 'll agree to you going with your father , er for a month and see whether you like it , and if you do n't like it , come back and we 'll give you your job back .
13 Erm I think what I 'll do with these handouts is I 'll let you take some for absent friends and then any that 're left over are put in the reading group , shall I ?
14 But then the hubbub starts again , and other voices ask me what I 'll do in 20 years ' time .
15 Well we could 've got a second hand one , but I mean what I 'll pay for a second hand one we might as well get
16 That 's what I 'll say to him , I 've got him tomorrow .
17 ‘ Well , that 's what I 'll say in my defence when I get back .
18 ‘ She says , can you come to coffee and tell her about what I 'll need for school . ’
19 With what I 'll get for it , I 'll live like a prince !
20 Well this is what I 'll have to , we 'll have to find out , I 've not really gone into detail about it , I think it might be actually because it 's er you , you 've got two things
21 Having created my opposition , I had to decide what I would do to them .
22 I comforted myself with a few thoughts of what I would do to the culprit if I ever caught him ; realised that was highly unlikely , and headed for the golf course .
23 But I can not see what I would do with a home computer , one of which I am continually being urged to buy by manufacturers and retailers and by drops in prices of the things that are as near as a toucher opening up my cheque book .
24 I know what I would do with him , ’ Violet said , yet , too , Tom must be a lusty brute and delightfully wicked .
25 Speaking from her home in Ralphs ' Wifes Lane , she said : ‘ Andrew is very special , I do n't know what I would do without him .
26 Well i I 'm not aware of how far he has taken anything on board , what I would expect as a Member of Parliament and the House of Commons , and as the leader of a party in the House of Commons , I would expect that he would want to hear what I would have to say face to face , and tell me face to face what 's wrong with what I have said .
27 ‘ He 's what I would regard as a sensible Scot someone who does n't wear Scotland on every part of his clothing , but he 's deeply interested in the Scottish Institute in terms of its members .
28 But Madam Deputy Speaker , these order do n't pay any attention to a number of matters in what I would regard as the public interest and whilst the minister as I say , has quite rightly paid tribute to professional organisations involved in this process , we must never forget that we 're here to represent the public interest and not just er er specific professional interests that may be relevant in each case and indeed in the light of what has happened in this field of enforcement er over the last two years , the minister must be aware that the public are requiring higher standards of commercial probity .
29 Despite Leon 's words , despite my certain knowledge that the spirit of Francis had sailed after its living son away , down the drive , out of Sleet to freedom , I entered Leon 's room determined to winnow some vestige of that poor ghost , Francis 's ghost , from what I would find in there ; and , having found it , perhaps my intention was to sit with it awhile uttering such emptinesses as , I 'm sorry and , Forgive me .
30 ‘ He did n't care what I would look like . ’
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