Example sentences of "what [pron] 's [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Looks can deceive , though , because to look at her you would think she was aggressive , or dead political , but she is n't , it 's just that punk is the look she likes , and what she 's aiming for .
2 She 'll understand your anger and stop what she 's doing for the time being , but that wo n't stop her doing it again when you ca n't see .
3 Here , do you know what she 's doing for the Body Shop now ?
4 I du n no what he 's looking for — maybe he lost summat .
5 I do n't think he finds what he 's looking for , cos after he looks in all the bins he goes off without taking nothing out .
6 What he 's looking for is certified numbers , field numbers
7 Ask him what he 's saving for — is he worried about redundancy ?
8 The fee was n't much , but Harford wanted a club in the south and that was it — not much consolation for Kendall , who knows he might well have done for Everton what he 's doing for Chelsea , helping to turn them into a real Premier League force .
9 Just see what he 's doing for Scum nowadays , it makes me sick ! ! ! ! !
10 Look what he 's doing for Leeds United nowadays ?
11 I rather admired what he 's doing for Margaret because , as far as I can see , he 's taking er as she 's not able , as far as I can see , to er exist , to live on her own and he seems to be taking over from elderly parents .
12 What he 's asking for is that any references to that particular disastrous day is not referred to as Black Wednesday , but in fact as Devaluation Day .
13 Once the Tunnel opens — or maybe just before it does and before the French realize what 's going on and think up a way to stop it — he 'll sell them for maybe a thousand times what he 's paying for them now . ’
14 ca n't do anything about it David we 're getting in touch with Blackpool , summat 's gone wrong somewhere along the line , that 's what he 's waiting for a call
15 You know what he 's waiting for ?
16 ‘ It 's when you can go , ‘ That guy knows exactly what he is and that 's exactly what he 's going for , ’ and everybody just loves the shit out of it because of that .
17 And if you do n't withdraw it , the C E C is completely and totally opposed to it because we already have what it 's asking for in the rule .
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