Example sentences of "what [pron] see [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Midge protested at what she saw as bureaucratic interference in what should have been a private grief .
2 There was no competition here , no assumed superiority on the part of another to make her uneasy or defensive , only what she saw as shared experience , delightful in retrospect .
3 God alone knows what she saw in that brute .
4 His eyes met hers , and what she saw in those burning blue depths sent a wave of pure sensation racing through her .
5 He remarked , " I got rid of what you saw in that hole out there .
6 Firstly , the examples of what you see as excessive zeal in Welsh preparations for a recent home international match — male-voice choir , song-sheets , operatic soprano and pre-match player introductions — are surely symptoms of something other than nationalist fervour .
7 ‘ Honest , Jin , ’ she called , ‘ I ca n't think what you see in that great lummock .
8 Secondly , under a wide variety of circumstances , what we see in various situations remains fairly stable .
9 Thus in some areas much of what we see in later landscapes may have been determined in outline before 4000 BC .
10 But both the Bedford and Egerton manuscripts were produced by French artists working in Britain and we have to ask ourselves if what we see in these illuminated manuscripts also existed in this country .
11 What one sees in general terms are substantial increases in science , technology , administrative , business and social studies , and creative arts enrolments , but stasis or decline in languages and humanities .
12 This account was mainly intended to bring together some of the comments made by the members of the Arkleton Trust Advisory Committee on what they saw of rural development in Lewis and Harris .
13 This was true in so far as RCM workers were frequently driven to distraction by what they saw as unreasonable demands by orthodox children and their elders .
14 Other early ministers were pushed into politics by the reaction of others to what they saw as religious activity .
15 Such powers , with a bad record on human rights , were quick to show resentment at what they saw as American meddling in their internal affairs .
16 She 's so flighty and daffy and he 's so glum and boring — you always wondered what they saw in each other .
17 Many regard SunSoft Inc as being the most dogmatic in its approach to the issue — some are worried about the company 's drift towards what they see as proprietary technology .
18 Under Mr Gorbachev 's policies of glasnost and perestroika , Central Asians have also begun to express their resentment at what they see as Russian exploitation of their land during the Stalin and Brezhnev eras .
19 Under Mr Gorbachev 's policies of glasnost and perestroika , Central Asians have also begun to express their resentment at what they see as Russian exploitation of their land during the Stalin and Brezhnev eras .
20 It seems doubtful that any strong moral reaction can now set in although some backlash is already evident ; a dissident minority and a good many of the elderly will continue for a long time to object to what they see as moral decay .
21 Also heavily borrowed companies often dislike what they see as intrusive involvement by the banks in their day to day affairs .
22 Equally , the firms can not ensure that decisions will be made according to what they see as appropriate criteria unless those criteria are built into the decision process .
23 For secondary school teachers of mathematics who have been eager to respond to the call for investigative work , the introduction of GCSE coursework assessment may have come as a rational consequence of what they see as timely changes in the curriculum .
24 For example , children love to join in with what they see as adult pastimes .
25 However , there is increasing discontent in Labour ranks from pro-Maastricht MPs tiring of what they see as time-wasting tactics .
26 Mr. Bailey 's own views are not stated , but as his appointment had included that of vaccinator , his reaction to this command was probably provoked by what he saw as lay interference in a professional matter .
27 It was equally predictable that these contacts were liveliest with the West Frankish church ; and that it was Charles the Bald who responded most strongly , both positively , to papal appeals for help , and also aggressively , to what he saw as papal interference in the West Frankish church 's political concordat with his own regime .
28 Of the various attempts that have been made to apply Althusser 's principles , by far the most wholehearted and discerning is the work of Nicos Poulantzas , who offered both an account of the state in capitalist societies and an analysis of what he saw as one of its exceptional forms fascism .
29 The governor expressed his disillusionment in letters to Penn and others : ‘ the hosts of mosquitoes are worse than armed men , yet the men without arms [ are ] worse than they ’ ; and attacked what he saw as Quaker hypocrisy : ‘ each praying with his neighbour on First Days , and then preying on him the other six ’ .
30 With a substantial widening of the franchise , Peres hoped to head off what he saw as PLO-inspired recalcitrance and allow the accommodationist vote to prevail .
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