Example sentences of "will have [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Partners and friends will have to deal with possible HIV infection if they have had ‘ unsafe sex ’ , or shared equipment used for injecting drugs , with a person who has HIV infection .
2 It may be able to replace the funds it has lost by borrowing from other parts of the non-bank private sector , but if it fails , then it will have to resort to residual finance from the monetary sector .
3 My right hon. Friend will have heard in recent Question Times much about medicine in London .
4 The main difficulty Lane foresees is that care managers will have to adapt to new systems which will vary between individual authorities rather than types of authority .
5 Businesses will have to remain in financial balance and take great care that their expansionist ambitions do not outpace their financing ability .
6 In light of this , we must also bear in mind that until our income reflects any upturn in the economy , the Institute 's budget will have to remain in low gear .
7 If councillors recommend development , it will have to go to Welsh Secretary David Hunt for a final decision .
8 They are catching up on Daedalus and he will have to go into strict training for a swifter sprint .
9 Some guillemots and razorbills will have stayed in inshore waters during the winter , and will even roost on breeding ledges early in the year , but puffins will rarely be seen inshore until late April .
10 All councils will have to respond in public to criticism from auditors .
11 Accepting that half the coal market will have gone to privileged fuels by 1993 , what are the real business prospects for British Coal , the miners and the coalfield communities ?
12 If the reader knows less of the writer 's world than supposed , he will have to draw on systemic knowledge to furnish the necessary clues and if this strategy fails , then the meanings remain inaccessible , the text non-negotiable .
13 The government 's position is that the major decisions on countering global warming will have to wait on international agreement at the 1992 UN conference on the environment , which would project them beyond the present government .
14 However , this type of work immediately meets the problem of data collection outlined at the beginning of this chapter , and for the foreseeable future most research will have to rely on official census data with all their limitations .
15 Many developing nations , with limited resources available with which to adjust or adapt to changes in climate , will have to rely on international assistance even more than they do at present .
16 At first Mercury 's customers will have to rely on fixed , leased lines , and will not be able to talk to other subscribers .
17 But unless the defendant admits he knew the report to be false the prosecution will have to rely on circumstantial evidence .
18 Aspirants to possession will have to rely on criminal entry , since only three copies were run off .
19 We will have to rely on expert medical opinion as to when he is ready . ’
20 There may be more enquiries from tenderers outside the UK and specifications will have to refer to relevant European standards .
21 The components of the momentum ( or any other local four-vector at the same event ) will have to behave under general transformations just like the components ; using eqn ( 5.1 ) .
22 If they stay below , the issuers will have to borrow at current higher interest rates to repay the bonds .
23 You will have to put in fresh leafy stalks every day , take out the old stripped stems , and clear out the prodigious amounts of droppings the caterpillars produce .
24 We will have to arrange for advance publicity , set up an office and make arrangements to show prospective buyers around .
25 The ruff here ( top ) in its winter state will have journeyed from north-eastern Europe and Scandinavia , while the dunlin , shown ( above ) in its summer plumage , is Britain 's most common wader .
26 SCO 's development partner DEC will have to soldier on alone , if it has not been doing just that for some time ( UX No 364 ) , if it intends to put OSF/1-for-ACE on its MIPS R4000 machines .
27 ( ii ) Second reading In his discussions with the Leader of the House relating to the Bill , the Minister will have arranged for certain times ( usually a day or two , but perhaps up to eight days ) to have been set aside for the second reading debate .
28 It seems likely that librarians , bibliographers , and the scientists themselves , will have to live with increased quantities of publications for the foreseeable future , and should instead develop their critical faculties and use other techniques for evaluating the worthwhile , and rejecting the worthless .
29 Meanwhile , 1990 will again be a year when we will have to live with high interest rates .
30 Many will have played with constructional toys through which , unknowingly , they will have gained some insight into the fundamentals of shape .
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