Example sentences of "will be [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 This will be made into a special signed print to raise money for the ITV Telethon .
2 This will be made into a special signed print to raise money for the ITV Telethon .
3 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
4 And that will be chucked into the building society so that I can , when I get my Marks and Spencers debt come through , I can pay a great wodge off .
5 Three adults who have been prepared by this group will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil .
6 The centrepiece of the Georgian terrace , Laurieston House , will be converted into a Georgian Museum .
7 The seam will be converted into a vast bed of crude acetal/styrene/ester copolymer .
8 The Science and Engineering Research Council will be converted into an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ( EPSRC ) and Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council ( PPARC ) .
9 A corpus of transcribed conversational speech ( the London-Lund corpus ) will be converted into an idealized phonological form , based on Kaye 's Government Phonology , for this purpose .
10 Within this option , type a Caveat such as ‘ For LIFESPAN Acceptance Trial ’ — this will be printed into the approval record .
11 The aim of the consultation is to identify which courses will be transferred into the new system in each of the three years of the implementation programme .
12 It has not proved possible as yet to get a Homeopathic lecturer but this is still being followed up and will be fitted into a future programme .
13 The remainder is the amount of fabric which will be fitted into the pleats .
14 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
15 The film will be projected into the screen volume by a frequency-swept UV source .
16 If a Labour Government takes over , it is likely that the Authority will be integrated into a more comprehensive view of a planned NHS and its role strengthened .
17 GCSE at age 16 will be integrated into the National Curriculum , with a new A+ grade to test the most able .
18 These additional products will be integrated into the Contract Portfolio of products in the near future , further increasing the scope of what is already a large choice .
19 The winners of the tournament will be integrated into the early rounds of the centre 's VW Ratings Tournament with able bodied players playing finalists of the wheelchair event .
20 The next step in this programme will be to move into the Management NVQ and Language NVQ fields .
21 CARL Llewellyn will be tucking into a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs before he sets out to win Saturday 's Hennessy Gold Gold Cup on Captain Dibble .
22 Around £37m will be ploughed into the area over the next five years .
23 The Monograph Index will be scanned into an ASCII file during 1993 , for conversion into a format compatible with Soutron Library System .
24 Again , the appropriate mortgage deed will be sewn into the back of the certificate .
25 It is unclear with the development of the single market whether statistics will continue to be maintained on a national basis or whether these will be subsumed into a blancmange of European statistics .
26 It is envisaged that the role of the clinical teacher as such will be subsumed into a wider role of teacher practitioner , who may have additional specialist knowledge and who is likely to be ward or unit based .
27 There is still no clear indication as to whether the additional capital consents will revert to the applicant service department 's budget or will be subsumed into the overall Council budget .
28 A recent poll by El Pais predicts the Socialists will be swept into a third term of office on 29 October by an absolute majority .
29 The Library 's collection of about 250,000 cuttings will be moved into a purpose-built room within the new extension .
30 The working version of the machine , built to celebrate the bicentenary of the mathematician 's birth , will be moved into the new Information Age gallery which will replace the current computer gallery .
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