Example sentences of "will come [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time the exercise will involve the whole of higher education — some 150 universities , polytechnics and colleges of further education which will come under the new Higher Education Funding Councils .
2 The NT/ Community Outlook Primary Healthcare Conference was told last week that potential nurse prescribers will come under the same pressure as doctors from an industry that spends £200 million a year promoting its products .
3 Late last year Chemicals ' chief executive warned of difficult times ahead when he said : ‘ I would hope we will come through the next six months or so without losing more than 100 jobs . ’
4 Combine a visit to Ellesmere Port area with a trip to the Boat Museum , because next door you will come across a new machine knitting shop !
5 Though the leaders in the field will have appointed solicitors in the varying areas , almost all legal expenses policies include the right to your own solicitor and inevitably you will come across a legal expenses insurer during the course of your personal injury practice .
6 That means many midwives will come across a deaf mother only occasionally .
7 In the not too distant future every PC sold will come with a graphical user interface as standard , whether that be OS/2 or Windows .
8 From March 1992 all bottles of acids will come with the proven ‘ safe-break ’ plastic coating , designed to keep splashing to a minimum if the bottle is dropped or broken .
9 They will come with the next revision of Solaris .
10 A planned European visit , to take advantage of the new opportunities that will come with the Single Market , is regarded as particularly important both for self development and the identification of business opportunities .
11 THERE ARE moments in Barry Kyle 's partly dismal , partly enchanting production of All 's Well that Ends Well , that will come as a great comfort to anyone who is exceptionally slow-witted .
12 This will come as a great shock to him .
13 She has found a number of old photographs that will come as a great surprise to me .
14 Jonathan 's sister says news that Clarke 's sentence has been reduced will come as a great shock to her mother , who 's ill …
15 That will come as a terrible shock to him .
16 The confusion of the two-year-old princess will come as a heartbreaking blow to the Queen , already stunned by the Mirror 's amazing photos of Fergie 's poolside romps with ‘ financial adviser ’ Bryan .
17 Rios 2 parts will also find their way into IBM 's widely previewed high-end parallel computing effort which will come as a scalable , eight to 64 processor , one-to-eight 8GFLOPS Power Parallel RISC/6000 9076 SP1 system running AIX Unix version 3.2 .
18 Once a standing position has been attained , the face above will come as a blessed relief !
19 That news will come as a welcome relief to the authority , which has been waiting for more than three months for a reply from the Home Secretary .
20 The move will come as a shattering blow to the US-backed DRT initiative .
21 The prosecution over safety in an Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor , reactors which form part of the electricity industry privatisation , will come as an extra embarrassment to the Government and will further dent City confidence in the value of the nuclear assets .
22 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
23 Yes , but if the Minister will come into the real world , he will find that redundancies are still occurring .
24 Pascoe will come into the first team reckoning this weekend if he impresses tonight in a reserve game .
25 As regards property , it should be noticed that law and practice , to a large extent , make it unlikely that property of any considerable value will come into the direct ownership of an infant .
26 conservative administration will change the budget , obviously , you have highlighted in what you have said before , that the main crunch will come at the next Policy Committee .
27 Really , his point made — a kind of behave yourself young lad , or you will come to a sticky end — he stood up and wandered back to the bar .
28 We know that a car will come to a grinding halt if we put water in the petrol tank , so no one in their right mind does it !
29 Walk north from the car park and you will come to a thriving colony of gannets — the only English colony and Britain 's only mainland one .
30 The book begins with the 1950s , when baby manuals indexed ‘ fathers ’ as ‘ for fathers see mothers ’ , and men were ‘ angry ’ , ‘ tough ’ or ‘ queer ’ ; it ends with ‘ a new agenda for the 1990s ’ , described hopefully as a time when men join women in fighting for an end to exploitation of women at work and home , and the ‘ masculinity ’ we have known will come to a timely end .
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