Example sentences of "will see [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The helicopter boys will see to the rest .
2 you will see at the top the A four marketing folder
3 If you have a car and feel that you might be able to help , please give your name and telephone number to one of the people you will see at the back of church with a board and pencil .
4 To show the client what you are proposing , commercials are sometimes read and described ; sometimes a narrative tape is recorded which is a spoken description of the action , perhaps backed by music ; or sometimes a " story board " is drawn up with a number of key frames illustrating what viewers will see on the TV screen .
5 — To intrigue students and stimulate discussion among them as to what they think they will see On the screen .
6 committee , if you go downstairs you will see on the notice there a display of various things that we do , and on the windowsills there are various pieces of information free sheets that you can pick up and take away it will tell you about all sorts of issues !
7 Really you could n't ask for much more , of course we wanted United to win , but as people will see on the television tonight , they contributed so much to this game , they played so much good football and to watch Paul Gascoigne in this sort of form is worth anybody 's admission money .
8 On the first count , Parker tries to argue simultaneously that downsizing is a mirage and that even if it is n't a mirage then uses will see through the hype pretty soon .
9 The Brazilian , Pele , described the Englishman 's performance in the group match between the two countries , played at Guadalajara and won by Brazil with the only goal of the game , as ‘ one of the best we will see in the championship . ’
10 The largest tortoises you will see in the park are descended from specimens from Aldabra Island in the Indian Ocean .
11 However , there are several other designs that can make very attractive pictures , as you will see in the rest of the book .
12 They were waiting to pounce , I know it ; that 's how they live ; they hang about in the dark , watching ( such a creature will see in the dark , never fear ) and listening and feeling for the minuscule rise in temperature and small vibrations which signal a passing vascular system , then they hop on board and they … suck .
13 When you do this what you will see in the cell is either a 0 ( meaning False ) if what is actually in B10 is n't Bach or 1 ( meaning True ) if it just happens to be Bach .
14 We will see in the training section how important a benefit ‘ confidence gained ’ was to those who had attended courses .
15 Round the corner , back in the street , you will see in the garden wall of 7/501 , a bust of Zdeněk Wirth , founder of the movement for the preservation of historical monuments in Czechoslovakia .
16 As you will see from the sheet , small difference in the total population .
17 As you will see from the detailing , it was restored from 1905–7 by K. Hilbert for the Czech Brothers .
18 Yes it does , the there is as you will see from the greenbelt plan , a apart from the issue of the fact that the the city boundary is in many areas er sort of hard up against further urban development so there 's no space between the city and the parts in adjacent districts , the greenbelt boundary , as currently proposed by the County Council , erm which as you 'll see from our evidence is not a boundary supported in its entirety by the City Council , means there is no further development land between the city boundary and the greenbelt .
19 You will see from the diagram that there are 36 members of the Executive Committee .
20 As you will see from the heading to this minute , I have decided that for the time being we are ‘ the Strategy Unit ’ .
21 But make m n no mistake , make no mistake , the situation is still difficult , because the Government imposes conditions and changes are all so often that the resolution of problems is difficult , as you will see from the Director of Education 's statement .
22 The A sixty four south , again there are highway difficulties , you will see from the note which we put out , the extent of di of of over capacity on the A sixty four south .
23 You will see from the photograph that the Dabs machine is fitted with an Advanced Micro Devices CPU and a Cyrix Fastmath 387DX coprocessor .
24 You will see from the illustration that the vocal tract has several resonant cavities .
25 As you will see from the plaque on the wall , this was founded by the Italians as the Congregation of the Virgin in 1575 .
26 And as you will see from the County Council evidence , the er sites for them have actually been agreed during the Greater York study .
27 You will see from the ground rules I have attempted to give that the suspense novel , as much as the crime novel , is an amorphous thing .
28 You will see from the table listing flowers suitable for pressing ( see pp. 14–15 ) that there is a wide variety of flowers available during the summer months .
29 As you will see from the table of flowers available from florists ( see pp. 32–3 ) , there is a large number of possibilities on sale at your local florist .
30 Congress will see from the report that settlements of the , in the range of one and a half to three percent have been generally speaking the order of the day .
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