Example sentences of "will go [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Julie , from Minors Crescent , Cockerton , Darlington , will go up in a glider to raise money for the Darlington Meningitis Support Group .
2 A tasty two-week campaign on national telly will go out in a fortnight 's time in the kids ' peak viewing slot — just between the early evening news and the popular Home And Away soap .
3 Consequently , some horses will go down in the paddock and eat more grass , others will walk or canter up and down the fence endlessly expecting their food , while others will call , ‘ I want my dinner ! ’ , or strike at their stable doors , or paw at the fencing .
4 The case was heard by an exceptionally unconventional judge , but one of sound common sense , Mr Justice Caulfield , who more recently found fame in his unorthodox but equally commonsensical summing-up in the Jeffrey Archer action , where his description of Mrs Archer as ‘ fragrant ’ , no doubt causing great embarrassment to the lady , will go down in the history of judicial extravagance .
5 it will go down in the Oxford Dictionary or something .
6 It 's almost equally inevitable that they will go down in the low income bracket .
7 But one thing is very clear , that Councillor will go down in the history of this city as one of it 's most outstanding sons , who endeared himself to people in all walks of life .
8 this match will go down in the records as a runaway victory for United but all the goals came in the last ten minutes …
9 ‘ France will go under in the next few days .
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