Example sentences of "will not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 compensation package for V A T for pensioners will not compensate them in full as was promised , and in view of the fact that we 've had extremely cold weather for the last week .
2 The emergency services have said while the restrictions will make their response time slightly slower the humps will not stop them from carrying out their duties .
3 This will not commit you in any way but you may find that your interest is aroused .
4 Now the angels will not bless us for another year . ’
5 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
6 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
7 It has already been seen that , if the defendant knows that his assailant was a policeman , it will not avail him as a defence if he mistakenly thinks that the policeman was exceeding his powers .
8 There was the public humiliation of being dropped from the side ; the autocratic style of managers , who were themselves as afraid and insecure as their players ; the refusal to let good players use their natural talent to play , forcing them through repetitive training ‘ systems ’ and naïve ‘ game plans ’ ; the petty jealousies of the players , their hierarchies , and childish pranks ; the fear of the new signing , who has to be included at the expense of an old friend ; the view of a match from ‘ the inside ’ when you know a team-mate does not want the ball but wants it to look as if you will not give it to him .
9 How was it possible in the late 1980s to put Trident into a bargaining regime , when we will not possess it until late 1994 ?
10 Lower courts will be bound by that precedent , while superior courts or those of the same rank will not upset it without reasoned consideration .
11 The Final will not make it onto American TV screens until four months after the event .
12 I think it 's I 'm not convinced about it because I think there 's s some people would , do n't , will not want it to be , to be involved in violence I , I would n't think .
13 Where the difficulty is one of applying the provision rather than a conceptual uncertainty the court will not hold it to be void ( Brown v Gould ) ; and a provision in a lease will not be uncertain if it can be made certain .
14 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
15 If your speech suffers from this defect , your teachers will not tell you of it .
16 The politicians will not tell us of what is happening to the environment .
17 The House will be interested to hear from another Scottish Labour Member of Parliament who will not tell us about the Labour party 's policy on Ravenscraig .
18 I hope that the right hon. Gentleman will not accuse me of ranting and raving as I am always the sweet face of reason .
19 Time itself is finite — a government will not devote it to passing less desirable and more controversial laws when it has better things to do with its time .
20 As a result , we will advise you of the latest schedules on your Final Invoice , but we will not advise you of any timing changes at an earlier date .
21 In the case of a level tone , syllables following in the tail will , of course , continue at the same level ; since level tone is to be treated as a rather unusual type of tone , we will not examine it in more detail at this stage .
22 ‘ It 's a sad death , but it will not prevent me from returning to London tomorrow . ’
23 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
24 The return of the proxy form will not prevent you from attending the meeting and voting in person should you wish to do so .
25 This is only a warning , and it will not prevent you from updating the SPR .
26 This is only a warning , and it will not prevent you from updating the SPR .
27 Indeed , the enormous catalogue — whose evident production problems will not prevent it from becoming an oeuvre de base — is the reverse of chauvinistic , with French scholars distinctly under-represented .
28 Formulations of definitive tests are always dangerous , but it seems to me that , without claiming to expound an exhaustive guide , the following provides a satisfactory working test for whether , in any given case , a covenant touches and concerns the land : ( 1 ) the covenant benefits only the reversioner for the time being , and if separated from the reversion ceases to be of benefit to the covenantee ; ( 2 ) the covenant affects the nature , quality , mode of user or value of the land of the reversioner ; ( 3 ) the covenant is not expressed to be personal ( that is to say neither being given only to a specific reversioner nor in respect of the obligations only of a specific tenant ) ; ( 4 ) the fact that a covenant is to pay a sum of money will not prevent it from touching and concerning the land so long as the three foregoing conditions are satisfied and the covenant is connected with something to be done on , or to in relation to the land .
29 It will not cover me for the hearing .
30 If you have never touched a programming language in your life then QBasic is a great place to start — it is direct and to the point but it will not lead you into bad habits .
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