Example sentences of "will have [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The EC customers to whom VAT-free charges are made will have to account for VAT under the reverse charge mechanism in their member states .
2 The three men and one woman will have to sleep in welfare offices on table tops or filthy floors .
3 Even if companies do not export their goods or services to other Member States , they will have to adapt to Community legislation , which will alter national law in virtually every area of economic activity ranging from standards , labelling , advertising , product liability , to domestic intellectual property and company law .
4 Under the STV a candidate must compete not only with political opponents but also with candidates of his own party , and compete in a popularity contest which , commencing with his first election campaign , will have to last without remission for as long as he wishes to hold his seat .
5 ‘ It 's good that you have spoken , but you will have to go for trial because you killed a man on that raid . ’
6 Mark Garner , executive consultant with Red Hot Television 's parent company , Continental Television , said : ‘ We are delighted this will have to go to court and we will be there at the earliest opportunity . ’
7 It sees fiscal 1994 turnover of $1,000m , compared with $1,300m this year ; 3,300 more jobs will have to go over time .
8 It sees fiscal 1994 turnover of $1,000m , compared with $1,300m this year ; 3,300 more jobs will have to go over time .
9 On the other hand , the larger the quantity ordered , the more will have to go into stock as temporarily idle resources , also a costly business .
10 The plaintiff 's solicitor will have to go on affidavit about that , which is not an easy matter .
11 More will have to go in order to recruit the highly-paid staff from the nuclear industry to look after the nuclear installations ’ inspectorate 's work on Britain 's revived nuclear power programme .
12 Schools planning to raise income from lettings will have to take into account costs , including wear and tear , overtime and fuel .
13 In the case of Undead and Elves you will have to take into account that they cause fear , especially the Undead , and with generally low leadership values this is bad news .
14 Moreover , we should assume that future decisions about Unix will have to take into account what is good for Novell .
15 Marketers will have to take into account the fact that expenditure and consumption patterns are often differentiated by the membership of social classes .
16 Each marketing response will have to take into account the relevant contingencies , so that it is situationally relevant .
17 When formulating its eventual recommendations , the National Consultative Group will have to take into account two essential differences between agriculture and the rest of British industry : it is for the most part composed of relatively small-scale and highly efficient enterprises employing limited numbers of men and women working in relative isolation from one another ; and , as we have seen , the boundaries between the craftsman and technician in agriculture are shifting and difficult , if not impossible , to define .
18 It will have to take into account externalities and distributional effects .
19 Clearly , the regular-reserve force mix study will have to take into account what we see as threats and how we intend to deal with them .
20 Er conversions are simply a different factor they will have to take into account .
21 I do n't see any difference in principle simply that this is an additional point they will have to take in account in their their local plan preparation .
22 If the CEO or the manager of the group is held accountable for outcomes , then in the final analysis , he or she will have to agree with group decisions or have the authority to block them , which means that the group never really had decision-making power to begin with .
23 Suggestive crop-marks at the point where the projected line of the defences meets the emerging east-west street have also been photographed from the air , but proof of another gate here will have to wait for excavation .
24 Bitstream are intending to get round this limitation by getting in league with the various page description language manufacturers and producing real-time fonts through their languages but as none of these are currently delivering we will have to wait in order to judge the result .
25 MITI had hoped to get the legislation through by next month , but it now looks as if it will have to wait until autumn before the ministries have talked it over .
26 As for the effects of the Act , an overall assessment of its impact on the use of custody will have to wait until Chapter 10 because of the need to deal also with the provisions relating to community penalties and parole .
27 To start , you will have to rely on manure , but supplement this with your home-made compost .
28 The less successful a government is in controlling the PSBR , the more it will have to borrow through bond issue to prevent money supply from growing too fast .
29 Either the more prudential economies like West Germany and Japan will have to de-regulate — at the cost of still higher real interest rates — or the liberals will have to re-regulate in order to avoid macro-economic retribution .
30 ‘ Now I will have to sit at home with my fingers crossed and hope we get the right result . ’
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