Example sentences of "will have [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 That means either taxpayers or consumers will have to cough up the cash to make up the difference between expensive British coal and cheaper foreign coal .
2 ‘ I want to say to IBEC and to employers generally , if you want to continue to do business with Congress then you will have to sort out the cowboys in your midst .
3 He has also failed to recognise that the Welsh people will have to pick up the bill for his spending policies .
4 It fears that universities will have to pick up the tab , and it draws a sharp distinction between those who will be non-payers and those who will get 25 per cent .
5 DOG owners in Cleveland have been warned they will have to pick up the tab if their pets go walkabout .
6 ‘ If they set out from Tara at the hour they intended , they will have gone down the forest road hours earlier . ’
7 But much of the money spent in Berlin , Sydney , Istanbul , Bejing , and Milan , Manchester 's rivals , will have gone down the tubes .
8 ‘ Care managers have a very tough job and there will be some decisions they will have to refer up the management hierarchy .
9 If this does not work , you will have to drain down the pipe and remove the fitting .
10 For most cars you will have to give up the whole of your mobility supplement for the three year period .
11 I can not resist saying that when Japan finally exchanges her peaceful simplicity , her admiration for , and artistic appreciation of , Nature 's beauties , and her contented national life , for the storm stress , and hurry of that feverish existence known to the West , she will have given up the substance for the shadow .
12 In making these decisions , people will have to weigh up the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various alternative assets .
13 Marketers in supplier companies will have to find out the nature of these organisational arrangements before they can have any hope of making a sale .
14 In the case of Papua , there are several more , so we will have to bring up the next three sections and place them into stitch patterns A , B and C again and knit through these , before re-programming once again .
15 It is the history teacher who will have to bring out the distinction .
16 In other words , it will have to buy up the excess foreign currencies on offer with extra pounds — pounds it has created , thereby building up the foreign currency reserves .
17 They will have to buy out the owners .
18 You will have to work out the potential problems for the patient , and take care to avoid them .
19 The chances are that Oxford WILL have to roll out the red carpet the next time Mr Clinton comes to town .
20 An employer will have to write down the assessment as a record only if it is too complex to repeat when necessary .
21 The clinics will have to make up the difference with funds from the Länder , thereby ensuring that the money is used for its intended purpose .
22 There is a slim chance that you will have to make up the shortfall .
23 Civic Theatre director Brian Goddard says the internationally acclaimed English Shakespeare Company will have to make up the money for lost bar , ice cream and coffee sales .
24 To prove wrong those who say that any dieter will have put back the weight ( and more ) 12 months after losing it — 12 months on and 18 lbs ( 8.2 kg ) down , I 'm still a ‘ Hip and Thigh ’ fan .
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