Example sentences of "if you [vb base] the same " in BNC.

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1 Not only must you spray regularly , but it 's a good idea to vary the brand of spray that you use ; the nasty wee beasties soon develop resistance if you use the same one over and over again , and that 's something worth taking the time to avoid .
2 If you apply the same consequences to both children — say , time-out — not only are you relieved of being judge and jury but you encourage them to avoid fights by cooperating or settling differences peacefully .
3 And apart from that , if you project the same issue onto cars , for instance , not many of us will ever own a Ferrari Testarossa or an Aston Martin , but are n't they wonderful !
4 It 's a good idea to keep that test data , because later on , you 're almost certainly going to make changes and you 'll therefore need to re-test the system , and a quick way to re-test the system is to put all that test data in again and see if you get the same answers .
5 A and this time this this just this time just raise it to the one third and see if you get the same answer , to check it is the cube root .
6 you 're not fucking throwing the plane out of control or the elevator would rip off or something , I mean if you get the same sort of thing probably would only have to do that , break the surface a little bit .
7 If you lose the same amount of money for a second year you 're down to a position where one small slip would take the business into insolvency .
8 Just pause to think , and you will realize that if you show the same ad to five different people there is a very fair chance that you will get five different judgements on its quality .
9 If you take the same walk every day , try to vary the routine , introducing and reinforcing training procedures , since this could be vital at other times .
10 If you make the same mistake , er , you have to buy another set , and I double the price for people who have heard me say do n't do this , er , and lie low , you know in the first three months , because I believe in penalising stupidity .
11 So if you do the same thing with a D.
12 So if you do the same on that one , and then differentiate it .
13 If you have the same urge for desert places — go now .
14 If you buy the same make of jeans as your favourite film-star , you can imagine that you , too , are rich , talented and good-looking .
15 If you want the same philosophy , stay in Britain and do your shopping for both cars in the same place , in Blackpool .
16 Yeah but then again yeah but as I say i i if you if you want the same in the bathroom and the bedroom
17 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
18 A memory function stores programmes — useful only if you cook the same dishes frequently .
19 If you find the same language in distant countries , you may be sure that the inhabitants have been the same people , that is to say , if you find the languages a good deal the same ; for a word here and there being the same will not do . ’
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