Example sentences of "if we [vb base] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our pulse rate tells us how slowly if we count the beats .
2 That shows the standard of the management that we are being asked to endorse if we pass the Bill .
3 If we break the glass , we might draw the energy to ourselves . ’
4 If we set the poem 's rubric , which informs us that we shall be reading a fabliau , on one side for the moment , we could in the first stanza be looking at a tail-rhyme romance — a type familiar in English literature from the fourteenth century .
5 ‘ The theory is that if we set the lead the passengers will overcome their inhibitions and join in , ’ Niall added .
6 If we change the name , we show disrespect for all of the good things the party has done for Poland . ’
7 Do we need any training on erm If we change the line management of the adult 's team , do we need any training on next ?
8 If we plot the vapour pressure of the liquid mixture ( that is the solution ) against Vapour Composition over the complete range of compositions , we obtain the lower curve in figure 6.12 .
9 There is so much of good that can be done if we seize the opportunities which a modern world makes available .
10 ‘ Only if we pull the deal off . ’
11 If we apply the concept of local readability , then these problems are by-passed .
12 If we apply the concept of accounting for a separate business entity then there is no reason why the salary paid to the owner should be treated any differently from other salaries .
13 If we apply the levies to the last full financial year , they would have raised almost £2million£1.6m generated by transfers and £360,000 from prize money . ’
14 If we apply the yardstick of affection and respect to all our dealings with the elderly and they feel this in everything we say to them , most of the small problems which are bound to arise when we are living together stand a reasonable chance of solution .
15 If we apply the equation simply to the electron by itself then the act of the microscope in determining the electron 's position has to be represented in a deus ex machina way as an external intervention bringing about the discontinuous collapse of the wavepacket .
16 For what shall it profit us if we gain the material world and lose our own souls ?
17 I know there is hay to cut and turn , but it is the harvest that will suffer if we let the Act stand .
18 Not just republican , we have loyalists as well and the loyalists have the potential for being the bigger and more effective of the two , and if we let the I R A to continue without interning them , you are going to have the situation deteriorating in the way which you do n't want and I do n't want , and you 're going to end up as the chief constable of the R U C said a few weeks ago with Dublin being bombed .
19 In summary , if we keep the horse 's anxiety down ( as well as our own ) things will be better next time ; and if we let the horse blow its mind with anxiety , or we lose our own temper , no one will even want to try again , and definitely not the horse !
20 If we regard the curriculum as essentially concerned with difference , then we can begin to understand the potent ways in which gender divisions are created and renewed .
21 Nor can we measure it in the present if we regard the present as an indivisible instant that is truly momentary and without duration .
22 If we regard the brain as a kind of three- dimensional map of the environment , then those with the larger , more complex environment need larger maps .
23 This ambiguity can be accounted for without the need either for two different elements enter , or two different elements again , if we regard the meaning of enter as being constituted out of more elementary semantic entities which are related quasi-syntactically :
24 If we regard the proportions as ’ half and half ’ , it is logical to assume that households containing two or more people should pay 100 per cent. , that the occupants of a house that is empty or not their principal residence should pay 50 per cent. , and that a single occupant — being , as it were , in the middle — should pay 75 per cent .
25 Price is then defined simply as : unc If we denote the profit margin as K , we can write this expression as : unc This pricing method is used in most cases where prices are determined by sellers rather than buyers ; that is , in nearly all manufacturing industry where the seller sets the price and the buyer accepts it .
26 If we restrict the analysis to the plausible assumption of risk-averse workers then , if union fees are constant as in Assumption 3 , stable membership is .
27 Even if we restrict the process to include only lagged values of s and f , it is highly likely that longer lags in s and f will have an effect on their current values .
28 If we restrict the focus to the same five newspapers — The Mirror , The Times , News of the World , Sunday People and the London Evening Standard — and for the years 1971 and 1978 include the Sun , we see what appears to be a steady proportion of one-quarter of this growing number of trials reported , except for a temporary surge in 1978 to two-fifths .
29 Nevertheless , solving an AP as a TP works very well , if we restrict the solution to a special class of BFSs .
30 In Third World countries , even or especially those only slightly affected by western economies , almost all active men and their wives and children are engaged in trade ; if we imagine the corn and wool from local sources , the oil and wine from further off , the spices from the Far East and the slaves from heaven-knows-where who filled the fairs and markets of Europe in increasing quantities in the eleventh and twelfth centuries — above all , if we contemplate the great stone buildings and recall the quarries whence came the stone — we can see that there is an immense effort here largely hidden from our eyes .
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